Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

CHRIST'S Alarm I. 2. horrible t{ùre and a great pudder or no ; that is not it if it rake a mar doe his duty arìght,then Confcience does its duty; this is Confciences life. And firft is regard of frnne. Firm, when the Confcience does not onely check, but it checks to fame purpofe, when it finites fo that alt the foule . feeles it, and lies dowse under it, when the Confcience does not onely doe diary in this thing, but it makes a man to doe his, it makes him finite hirnfelfe as the Publican did, He fmote open his bread, Lukc r8.13. As Ephrains did, I fmote apon my thigh, Jer.31.1o. When a man is made to Check him- Idle, what have I done ? Jer.8.6. When David numbred the people, the Text ihrewes how his Confcience was quick, his heart (mate him, a Sant.sq.r o. Dull checks there may be in a wicked heart, yea, mightyyhecks, and mighty finitings, yea, greater for quantity then in any Childe of Cod, but all to little or no purpofe, David' Confcience (mote him to pur- pole you lie there, it made him doe his duty indeed, it was a Divine check , it was a Check that put him into a right way again,fo except thy Confcience thus check thee a dayes, may be . thou forgettcff thy (elfe now and thëo,and then thy Confcience gives thee a check,O wha t a beaft sat I,and fo fits thee to rights againe, fometimes thou art overtaken in paflion , but then comes Confcience, and-rels thee wbat God !ayes, O why doe J give place i:othe Devil! ; and then thy pafiïons gee downe aaaine.. This is Gods Bit, that he guides his people by, as the Wider does his bealf with a Bridle. Thewickedate like your ßurdy bodes, that get their Bridle in their Teeth, G od may pull hard at them, give them fiercer twitches, then he does his owne Children, but they get the Bridle in their Teeth, and fo they are unrulier : But when it' is Gods Bridle to lead . a man by, now his Confcience is alive, when it Checks to purpofe. Secondly, when it does not onely accede for fume ( fo a naturals Confcience may doe) but it pulls a man downe be- fore God ; and ma kes him cite himfelfe effeelually before his Tribunal!. I make this a different work, for the accufation of