to drowse SAINT S. 277 of Confcience differs from its Checking ; the Check is a ipiri- tualllafh the Confcience gives the foule, now the acculàtioa gives the reafon of its lathing. O thou haft finned against Isìod ; yee knew this is a duty of Confcience too in regard of fume, to accule. And then Confcience is alive, when it does dais duty to purpofe, to make a man to doe his ; namely to goe and Confel e his finne in a penitent manner. True a wicked mans Confcience does acculi but that drives a man from God ; as it's raid ef the Scribes and the Plsarílces,Whtn their Cenfeienees aecufedtheems, they went out, Joh.f?.y. But when Con ±cience is alive, it r cculès before God it cites a man roundly before God ; and what a vile wretch am I ! it fo does its duty in accufing, that it makes a man to doe his ; freely to acculehimfelfe, The jug roan frrff accufetb him - felfi, Prey. t 8.r 7. So it is in the Greek and the Latine. Haft thou fuch a Confience as this ? This is a lively Con kience ; when thy Confcience does not only doe its duty to accule thee for every in that thou dot+, but it makes thee to doe thine free- ly to accule thy fèlfe before God ; a wicked Confcience may accule, I but it does not make the man to do his duty ; he does not freely accule himfelfe ; it is oncly forced in him ; it is with Coa&ion and ('ompulfion. But its free in Gods Chil- dren ; whoa Daniel went to confefí'e his fines before God, the Text layes, her fit himfelfe to doe it ; I (et my face unto theLerd God, Dan. 9. 3. That is, his Cetsfctence did not madly doe its duty, in this thing but it made aim to doe his. Thirdly, when it does not onely Conc'emne one for fnse ; 3. for fo the wicked have condemning Coulciences, as the A- poftles layes ; if our heart condemn eu r John.l.eo. That is, if we be wicked ; as Paul layes ; Kistwing that he that is fuck, is fubverted and f?nnetb being condemned of himfelfe: Tit. ;.r r. That is, he is a very nicked Creature ; fo that a wicked mans Confcience does Condamne. But I mease when the Confcience does not only condemneone for finne, it does not oncly doe its owne duty in phis thing,but it makes Nn; the