Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

278 CHRIST'S .11urm the man to doe his ; it makes him trample upon himfclfe ; as a damned wretch in himfelfe, to lave God a labour, as the Apoflles fpeakes ; if we would judge e'er (elves, we fhould not be judged,r Cor.I1.31. When Confcience makes a man freely to accept of damnation ; Thou (halt accept of thy punafh- ment, then j will remember my Covenant, Levit. 26.41.41. When it makes thee lay thy Neck on the block ; Lord the word place in hell is too good for pie. 1 have often told you a ílory in the Aas and monuments of the Church; when Ed- ward the grit, one of the Kings of England was a bunting, and one of the Flanders by had difpleaied him, the King rid after him with a drawnc fword for to flab hirn, the man runne away for his life; the King rid over hedge and ditch to over - take him, and when the man law he had no way to&ape, he fell downe, and held up his throat to the King, if it pleat.; your Majefly here is my throat. The King melting towards him, fhewed him mercy. So when Confcience makes thee fay Lord, here is my throat, here is my foule, ifit pleafe thee thou rnaft fend Satan to take it and tarry it to hell with him. Thou hail no way to efcape, therefore offer thy felfe unto God ; may be thy Confcience does Condemne thee ; alas that is not it, thy Confcience does not its duty with any life, till it make thee doe thine ; doeft thou freely Condemne thy felfe ; accept of thy pudifhtnent, lay thy head on the block, does thy foule lye groveling before God? This is alive Confcience. 4, Fourthly, when it does not onely pull a man a daycs from finne and Iniquity ; fo it may doe with the wicked and the ungodly ; they feele many pulls every day , and may be their Confcience makes them leave many particular (limes, though that's very rare as the times now be, but when the Confcience puller a man forth of every know* gnne, when it fö does its duty in thiskind , that it makes thee to doe thine ;.when thou pullefi thy felfe withal! deteftation and loathing out of pridr, out of fecurity, out of unbeleif, out of hardneffe of heart, out of formality and all ; this is a lively Confcience : as 46 iffy heart (hall Not reproach me fi long as I live, Job.z7. That is