Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to firowfie SAINT S. 1 279 is ; as my heart does its duty towards me, fo it awl's make nie doe mine, J will yeeld to mine owe Conkience in every thing; whatfoever time it.tels me off, J will be Cure tofet my Wife agaiiaf 'sit; it fhall nor lie heaving at me, and J ne- ver nitre ; then it would reproach me : but it !hall never re- proach the to long as I live. Thefé are the lively aels of Con - fcience about finne. The lively eré&s whereof are foure. The fittl, is a penitent fhame, that ever a man fhould fin t, againfl God ; when Confcience does thus as ye have heard, then it produces this effec,that the man is afhamed before God ; as the Apoflle Cayes, what fruit have you of thofe thaus whereofyee are now afhamed? Rom .6.21. People art apt to be afhamed before men, 2ioderus Cronus, when Stilpo áskt him a ridiculous queflion, and he could not anCver him ; ho was fo afhamed, that he fell downe flarke dead ; he thought it was fisch a difgrace to be nonplull But if Confcience were alive, and did doe its duty indeed, it would make us afhamed for our finnes before God ; Ezra was athamed before God for the firmes of the people, Iblufla fayes he to lift up mine eyes unto thee ; when a man is Ignorant of God in Jets Clarif's, this would be a flume. 1 fpeake this to your flume, t Cor.t 5.34 That is if there be any grace in your hearts certainely ye will be afhamed that ye should have no more knowledge of God. Jfày when the Confcience is alive a- gainfl Gnne, it makesa man afhamed before God ; It fhewes him his nakedneffe before heaven, it propounds God before his eyes, tieing all his uncleaneneffe, and fo it makes him afhamed before him ; doer's thou count it a difgrace to doe evili,adifgrace to offend God, a conflation of face todoe ini- quity, though it be never fo t'ecret ? Canfl thou not looke up- on thy unworthy' dealings with (Sod, but it makes thee afha- med in his fight? This is the effea of a living Confcience. Secondly, another effe& is penitent gnefe and compundlion a, of heart ; ye may fee this eRft in the new converts t they were priektin their hearts, A&.s.3y. When their Confeience began