280 1 CHRIST'S lllam i began to be alive to Inane them for their limes, t® accule them and Condcnane them, it grieved them exceedingly ; it went to the quick ; it was like a Dagger in their heart ; it prickt them ; it made them mourn for all that they had done. True, ff a naturali Conlcience produces griefe ; there's ne're a wretch but if h'is Conlcience be awakeHed to Check hills, and accule him, and condemne him, it will make him to grieve for his finnes. But this is onely legali and liarly. Now when the Conlcience is alive to doe its duty, as to make the man to doe : his, now it makes him grieve out of love to God, out of love to grace and goodneffe ; now he grieves becaufè he bath bro- ken thole Commandements that he loves ; he loves to obey God, O it is the unfeigned delire of his foule to obey him, and therefore hce grieves, that he bath done the contrary. 3. Thirdly, another effea is, Penitent feare. It makes a`daan afraid to ha againfl God againe; as the Apoftle (ayes; Tea, what fears ? .z Cor .7. e . A naturall Conlcience may cau e a kind of faro too, nay, a horrible fearc. The "inners in Ziem are afraid, fearsfxlneffe hark furprized the Hypocrites, 3Ze. Ifa. ;3.r4. For a guilty Conlcience cannot but worke feares when its awakened, but this feare is meerely out óf felt love, and of Bondage. But when theConlèience bathdone fo its owae duty upon a man, that it bath made him to doe his, now it makes him filially afraid to (inne againll God ; as a true Chille feares to offend his Father, when a man -barb this feare in him, this is a figne ofa livino. Conlcience. 4. Fourthly, another effe' is Trembling defpaire in ones felt, it makes him lee nothingbut hell and damnation in himlélfe ; and it flings him dowoe at Gods gate , as a man utterly on- flow in himfelle, having no hope in hinafelfe, for as God dealt with Pod, in regard of his recovery out of ficknes, he brought him to defpaire of lifein himfelfe,aCer.i.8. So does ali- ving Conlcience in regard of mercy ; a naturall Conlcience the etfe& of that, is to defpaire too. But that is to defpaire in God ; 6ecaufe when there is nothingbut nature in the Con - fcience, how can it be otherwile ? But when there is grace in the