7777 tv oÍrovfie SAINT.S. 2`$.1 the Confcience,grace in the heart, now though Confcience re- prelernt to his damned effate, it reprefents withal( the free grace of God in Jelus Chriff, to all fuch as are heavy laden, and fo it is onely deipaire in himielfe ; now haft thou Inch an effeò} in thee, to deipaire in thy felf ; to fling oft all thine own hopes , and thy own dependences, hangings,kold,ings ; yee know the foule bath a thoulàrd thoufand fuck, wifhes wouldings , purpofes, dutyes, performances, thee the foule hangs on. But now haft thou this effect in thee, that thou docft abfolutely deipaire in thy (elfe? I meane felfe- confi- dence with whatsoevergood is in thee, be it grace, or what e- ver ; doeft thou defpaire in thy (elfe ? This is a ligne of a liv- ing Confcience; now thou hang'ft upon nothing, but the meere mercy and good -will of God. And this is the belt hold in the world, though the world cannot abide it. Thus ye fee for fume. The livingneffe of Confcience in regard of finne. Secondly, now or.the livingneffe of Confcience in regard of good. Then is the Confcience alive to that which is good. Fitlt, when it gees and it does not onely urge a man to that which is good; fo it did Agrippa. Almoft rhea perfwadeft me to be a Chrrflian,A,;,}.z8.z8, When Paul ipake unto him, it.feemes.his Confcience tooke hold of Paul: words, and it did mightily urge ; it had almoÑÑ done the deed r alas this is not it; a dead Confcience may doe this yea, with admirable im- portunity; as it is in nsauy.But when the Confcience doth not onely urge, when that does not onely chic its duty in this point, but it makes a man doe his duty too the man freely urges himlèlfc; and freely Pets himfefe to it and about it ; as it was with David; when thou faye/t feekye em}. face, my heart faid aarto thee. thy fare Lord will I Peek, P 1;1.a7,ó, That is, when thou fayeft thus in my Conkience, feeke my face, my heart ecchoed back, J will doe fo indeed ; marke, his Confcience did not onely doe its duty, but it made him to doe iais ; as his Confcience did urge him, fo he tooke there urgings, and urged him felfe. Secondly, when the Confcience bath life towards good, 0 e it. a,