28Z i CHRIST'S Warrre it excufes, and it does not onely excufe in put, for fó it may doe in a wicked heart; many a wicked man bath fuch an ex- cufing Confcience, when he does good for the matter of it, as we read in the Heathen, Rem.a.r S. Their Consciences accu- fingg; their Confcience did excufe in part. But it excufes full out ; it tels. him, he bath done it unfeignedly in the truth of his heart, that he does beleeve in God, that he does truly re- pent from dead workes, that he does in Tome poore meafure, walke in new obedience from day to day ; and that he hands guiltle ffe before God, by faith in Jefus Chrif} ; or if it doc not excufe thus, it is meetly out of Ignorance of the thing, gi- ven him of God ; a living Confcience is an excudng Con- fcience ; it does not onely fay the thing that he doesis good but that he does it unfeignedly withal( his heart; true, a na- turall Confcience not awakened may doe thus, but that's a mifpriClon ; for when it comes to fee its ovine condition in- deed, then it will be in another tale ; ah I am rotten ; I -have beguiled mine owne foule to this very day ; but a living Con fcience can never be confuted, as it excufes, fo its excufes (hall {land before God, becaufe it is quickened by the grace that is in Jefus Chrifr, his blond is fprink led on it. 3. Thirdly, when the Confcience bath life towards good, it ap- proves a mad and his wayes ; it either may or does pronounce a man to pleafe God. As it was with Enoch, be had a Confci- ence that told him he was approved of God ; before hir traxf lotion, be had this T'effimony that he pleafed rcod, Hcb, it .5. This is the m tune of Conk ience, if it be alive, to do its duty, and fo as to make a man to doe his, to tell a man that he is allowed of God ; which is an admirable mercy, that a chtlde of God fhou.'d have fuch an intelligencer in his owne bofome, that can tell him he is approved of God, no creature ii able to exprefl'e what comfort this is ; none but good people can have this, others may be approved of men, others may heare that fuch and ti ch doe approve them. but they can never heave that God does approve them. Thefe are the con fciences onely to -- wards good, which it can never doe except it be alive. Now