284 I :3 ObjeEt. flnfw : C bi R I S T'S Warm bimfelfe with his Confcience, J el eeme not (ayes he what Secaudinue thinkes am; fo long as nay Confeiegce approves me before God; fo alto Pawl, when the fallè Apofiles ac- cnfed him, O layes he, It is a very fmall thing with me, that fheuld be judged of you, z Cor. q.. 3. Thus ye fee for good ; what is the livingneffe of Conlcience towards good. This is the fecond thing. Thirdly , now about Both ; both (inne and goodneffe, when is the Confciencealive about both? Namely when it does ínaei& a man, grad not cnely fo, but it guides a man to fluin the one, and to iinbrace the other. This is a living Con- icience indeed, when it is a mars privy counléll from day to day. This is a Divine Counfèll ; its like a little privy Counfeller in a childe of Gods boforiie , that the Lord in mercy bath placed there to dire& him ; a: David (ayes, J will bleffe the Lord forgiving we Ceunfell, my reins inflrnéi< mein the night feafons, Pfal.16.7. By his seines he ineaneth his confèicnce, now that did inffru& him. not oncly in the day sine, but all° in. the night ; if he were tempted tofinne, his Conlcience inflruéfed him, nay, I muff not yeeld to that ; ifhe' found larmfélfe backward to any good duty, nay, (till his con - leience advifed hi:n, nay, J muff be forward to that. I con- feffe a dead Cenfeicncc may give admirable counfell, and In- ftrlition to the wicked ; I, their conference proves it unto them. But it does not do its duty, for it docsnot make them to doe theirs. Thus ye fee what a living Conlcience is, when it lb does its duty, that it makes us to doe ours. But it may be a humbled confcicnce is pædag g t r anirme, it is the fettles Schcolc-Malter, as Orióeh calls it ; now a Schoolc-lvlafier may doc his' duty, though he doe not make his Schofler doe his ; for if he be diligent in teaching and doing of his office, the Schollet may he a dunce for all him ; the be(f Schoole-Matter, may have a block head and a dunce in his Schonte. I anfwer, the rearm is not alike. Fug, a Shook-mailer teechetlì another. But confcicnce is a Schools-Malter not to another but to a mans felfe; and. therefore