Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

IMP C H R I S T'S 'Earns be with Prayer, or fume yeeldings thereunto ; nay, there be fome labour to drown it out- right, they will goe to the Ale- ' houfs, or to Cards, or among their boone companions, and fo {hake off thole dumps ; Therefore my Brethren, ifye would have a Cane , that your Conscience is alive, be glad at its dic2tates give them all the deaceff entertainment yee can. Blefle the. Lord for them, and make very much of fuel', they are the tweet motions of Gods holy fpirit, quench them nor; doe not (fop the mouth of them by halfe payments, Let them have their full1.vay, I Secondly, when thou ca.11eff upon thy Confcience to be bufie ; when thou MO to (fine up Confcience every day, wind it up as a man doës his Clock, that it may be in Conn- nuall motion. So the Prophet did ; Why art rho: fo heavy O my foule ? Why art thou fa difyuieted within me, hope thou in Gad, Pla1.42.E i . Marke, he took his con tcience and flied. up himfelfe With it, a wicked man does not Chi: s; hisconfcience comes before it is tent for, it is like an unbidden gueff. And therefore if thou wouldff know whether thy contcience be alive, doebut confider whether this be thy courfé, ifthou doelf daily awaken thy contcience, if thou doeff fee it a worke, this- is a fitne of life in it ; as Paul did, Herein doe r exercife my fel fe, that I may have a goad Ceu f eience, vayd o f offence, Aef. a4.t 6. He laboured for his coufc:ence, he called it up every day, he was aefive about it, fo that the flirting; that are in wicked men, they are none of theirs, but Gods meetly to pull then out of the bottomleffe pit, if it might be ; in the meane time, his Confcience is as dead as hitpfelfe. Thus ye fee what the life of the con(cience is. Firff, there is a relative life of Confcience ; the Confcience is alive, when the man is.alive. Secondly. the contcience is alive, when it prefíes to ditty fo, that it makes the man do his duty too ; when it does not one - ly check for evill, and accu le for evill, and condemne for evill, and prompt a man that he fhould take heed of evill,but it makes a man do his duty in all diefe ; ,fó alto when it does not onely urge a man to that which is good, and excufe hire and approve