Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

toef`rewñeSAINTS. approve him, but in all there, it makes himdoe his duty too ; fo likewilé when it counfels, it does not onely caunfell and didlate what is to be done, and what not; but it fo does all there particulars, that it makes the man to doe his duty, in fincerity from day to day. This is a live Conrience. Now that this is the live Confcience, J prove it unto you by five Arguments. I . Becaule Confcience was made not onely to doe all there a &s, but to make a man to doe his ; fo that when coniei- ence does its own a &s never ló much, that's nothing to the life of confcience ; does thy conlcsencecheck thee, and (alite thee, does it rvhifper never fo much in thee? This is no Argument it's alive, except it make thee to be obedient Unto God. Con- fcience was given man for this purpofe; and therefore then onely is it alive, when it is for this purpofe in thy Boióme; when David would get up out ()Nis temptations, you May fee how he got up by conlcience ; J communed with my owne heart, and my fpirrt fay,' he made diligent fearch, Pià1.77.6. That is, he communed with his Confcience, what he knew about God, and fo got himfelfe up ; this is thy confciences -office to tell thee what thou hall heard out of the Word , and that is not all, bue to lead thee, guide thee as the helme does the Ship. It is given thee to be thy keeper, as hee (ayes was upright before him, and I Or my felfe from my iniquity, pfal.18.23. That is, this is my iniquity, this is the finne that I am moll inclined to, J mull keepe my felfe from that. Thus his confcience was his keeper under God. Secondly, another Argument is, becaufe this is the way 2. whereby godly people doe their duties ,the Confience makes them doe their duty, it makes them beleeve, it makes them feare God, it makes them efchew evill and doe good from day to day. Bleffe the Lord p my foule, and forget'not all his bone fits,.pfal.10 3.2. When the Prophet would doe this duty, k made his confcience prefle it roundly nnan him to doe it ; fo when he would waste upon God, he let his ovine foule and con feience upon him, to make him to doe it ; Waite on ' the 287