Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

28g C E R I S ,T's larm the Lord, be of good courage, he wilt ffrength en th7 heart, troaitc I fay upon the Lord,P1al.a 7.14, Thirdly, another . argument is, this is the defcription of thoft that have alive Confcience, they ate fah as make themfelves doe their duties continually ; as the A poftle layes. He that bath this hope in hint, puroßeth binifelfe, evin as he ís pure. t Jeh.3.3. That is,. he is a man that makes hirnfelre doe bis- duty, his owne foule and Confcience faycs thus unto hini, Chntt is a pure Chrilk, and I muff be like him, as ever I hope that he will bring me into his Kingdom ; and this' makes him doe his duty ; lie purifieth himfelfe, even as he is pure; I cou'l'd quote abundance of places to prove this. q. Fourthly , ano::hcr argument is ; when God fpeakes to any that are alive frond the dead; to doe their duties to- wards him, he bids them make themfelves to doe their duties on this manner ; fo SainrPiiul fa yes, having thefeprowtifes, let as cleaafe our felves frogs all filthineffe of the flefh and fpirtt, perfeíting holineffe in the fight of God, z Cor.7.r. That is, goe'and aske your owne foule, and Confcience, what have J not thefe and thete Promifes ? Why then I mull labour to be cleanfed fr ®m all manner of fame, I mat perfeft holineffe in the feare of God; now fayes he, let us make our felves doe our duties thus. 5.. Nay fifthly, when God fpeakes to them Which are yet dead, and would turne them home unto him; he bids them doe thus in regard ofthe meanes; turneyour felvesand live you, Ezek.TS.3..2. That is Let your owne foules and confci- ences confider this is the way to live, ye cannot be laved with- out turning ; as ever J would live for ever, I tnuti be turned from all my frnfull courfea ; make your felves doe your duties in this manner ; that is, ufé all the messes, that the Lord bath given you to life, make your felves goe about it, not as though any man bath free will to trrne himfdfe ; But he fpeakes of the ufe of all neanes, that he puts into your hands ; make your felves to ufe them ; say, no foule can ever look to be faved, except he doe not onely let his confcience check hint,