to drotv,+re SAINTS. s$9 him, and tell him thus and thus his duty is, but alfo let hiS Confeienee make him doe his duty too ; fo that this mu1Ñ needs be the life of the Cosfeience ; when it does sot onely doe its owne duty, to chock and to whifper, but e1í0 it makes a man to doe his. The Ufe of this is; Then we fee here how few have live confeichces, for people have Confciences that doe omely tell them they fhould be more carefull ; they fhould give over fuch and loch tins, they amid beleeve, and they 4fsould be zealous, and they fhould be more fetled, but U how few have Coníi iences that make them doe their duties ? Numb. I S.40. 7 bat yee may remember and doe all my Commands - monts and be holy pats year God. KavEL. 3.1. Aad art Dead, VE are come to fpeake ofthis necef%ry point, when Y V is a man quickened up towards God and all his holy sv ayes ? We have (hewed you three things concerning this already. Frcñ, what the lift of the Mind is. Secondly, what the life oldie Heart is. Tbirdly,what the life of the Con. Science is. Now there rcmaises two more, the one is the life of the Memory ; the other is the life of the Affeetiens. Fourthly then, what is the life of the Memory? For the íl memory too may be dead, and the memory may be alive. Pita, the Memorymay be dead; when a man may be re- ig members, if ye aske him a thing, he can tell it ; aske him of a Sermon, Be can tell the Text and the points, and tha patti- culars that were delivered in the Sermon, but here's all, it's a dead memory, he never remembers it to any purpcsfe ; this is to remember e»cA as ifa man did riot rernembe ; as Mares fa yes . Rt.-wencher and forget not that thew prova rift the Lord to anger in the Wdderneffe, Deuc ,.7. That is, remember ir, P p and