Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

29ß HBIST'S fllarm and do; not remember it with a dead memory. As Balsam remetrtbred that God was angry with him in the way, no que hon but if a man had asks him about it a wecke or two after, he would have (hewed that he did remember it, he could tell the place, the time, and the manner, and how it was in his journey, and how the Lord flood before him with a drawn a Sword. But alas this was a dead. memory; for his practice¢ hewed plainly that he had forgotten it ineffeel. J fay there is a deadMemory, a man may have an excellent snets+ory to got from point to point, nay, a better memory in this fence then many of Gods dear& Children, and yet this memory be a dead memory. t. Secondly, there is a living Memory; a memory that bath life in it; as God fáyes of penitent Ephraim ; I doe earnepy remember Ipim fli16,'Jer.3 t so. Marke, God did not onely remember him, to he does remember all men, he remembers reprobates and all, but he did very earnefily remember him ;, So when a man does'earnetîly remember Cod ; the remem- brance he hath of him is earnetk, he remembers his word ear- neflly, he is earnefi in remembring ofbis will, though there be never fo many things, to put Egad out of his thoughts, he is daily tempted to forget hitnfelte in ibme thing or other about God, but be is earnefl to remember, when a mansmemory is eager after a thing, now it is a live Memory. Now the queflion is, when the Memory is alive, for the handling of this. Fitf , J will Phew you what the memory is. Secondly, what a great blefiing of Gad it is that we have a memory; . Thirdky; when the memory may be iáid to be alive. Fourthly, we.vsitl prove it, and then we will mike feme ufes ofthe point. Y.. Fir c, what Memory is.' It is the Confervation of what . we apprehend, as a man bath many things in common with a b aft, fo memory is in his fancy and imagination, for look what a Mean bath feen, or heard, or tailed, or finch, or felt, memory is the Confervation ofthe fame ; forne can remember, the (nape of Men, of Townes and Creatures,we can remember what