Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to ài!roWfie SAINT S, what colour things are of,what a tafte . fuch and fuels meats have, filch amambry beafis'-laave,ar we fie in the milcb Kine, they remembred their Calves, a Sam.6.t a. They went lowing as they went; dins the children Of rerneealared the fleíb that they had in /Egypt, W remtmbred'tht jícfh, which we did eat in /Egypt, N umb.t t f fld this we call aSenfitive memory. Secondly , memory, troll properly, is a faculty of the minde, whereby it preferves the fpecies of what it once knew, and therefore when a man is faid to remember he is laid to be mindfuI!, as David ayes, be yee mindfull alwayes of his Covenant, t Chro.IQ.t 5. That is, looke.you aiwayes re- member his Covenant, for when the minde once knowes a thing, memory is a certaine Paper of the minde, to retaine it and to keep it,and therefore it is called the foules ftore.houfe; it is the foules treafury, as our Saviour Chrift fpeakes A postman out of the good treefury of the heart, &ringetb forth good things ; and en evil' man out of the evil' treafrcre of the heart, bringeth forth evil' things, Matth.r a.35. Memory is the. ¡doles chef+, where it keeps all its Jewels ; that look what a man knows, fpecially if he like it,, prefently be layes it up to keep by him, as it is faid of Mary, ftill when fhe knew any thing of out Saviour, when (he knew of any lay- ing of his, Ilse kept it in her heart ; Mary kept all tbefefay - ings,Luk 2.t9. Properly fay memory is a faculty ,0f the minde, whereby when it knowes a thing once, it is able to keep it. This we call Intclleetuall memory. Thirdly, by confequent,memory is in the Confcience ; for the foule of roanbeing privy to it felfe, what it knowes, what its told ofGod, what notions it bath, what it does, what it bath done or tvhat it bath not done, it 'lath a Paper to record this; and therefore in this fenfe,we call memory the foules. lteif+er ; for rhrs it is tnche Confcience; fo when the Sonnes of blob were privy tothemfelves, that they had fold their brother Iofeph, vee know how their Confcience remenbred ,what they had done, above twenty yeeres after. O we are P 2 verily ¢,1 a. 1 3.