292 CHRIST'S. 1Warm verily guilty concerning our Brother, in that we taw the angssiflo of hie Pole, when he befougbt ua, and we would not heare, Gen.42.2x. Their Contcíencehad regifired their fadt up,and did remember it againf} them, fo many yeares after. So Adenibezek,being privy to himfelfe, when bee eat of the chumbes and the great toes of threefeore and ten Kings, aad made them to gather Jews snider bit Table,youfee bow hù Cenfaienee had regifired this, and could remember it a- gaistjt hits, another day,Judg.r .7. So that memory is bycon- lequent in the Confciencc too. And this memory we call the Booke of a mans cenfcience. There three are all the proper memories that we have, becaulé memory can properly be no where but where apprehenfion is ; either lenitive apprehen- rims as in fancie; or intellect +all apprebxn6on , as in the mincle ; or refle&ive apprchenfion as in the Conicience; They underfiood not thy wonders, neither did they remember them, Plata o6.7. 4. Fourthly,Memory in an improper fetafe, is in the will and heart of a man, becaufe there is fame retention too of what is pats and gone ; as let a roan love or hate his brother, though that a61 be pat} and gone, yet there is force retention of that aCî againf} another time, for when a man hath hated one here - tofore, he is the more ready to hate him afterwards ; which is a ligne that the heart does retainc what it did before; nay, layes % rifotle, there is memoria in pedibus ; there is memory in the feet ; there is memory in the hand ; as the Plalmil 1peakes; If forget thee Olerufalese, let m right hand for- get her cunning,Plal. x 37.5. This is called rerneo bring coo in the Scripture; but this is improperly Co called ; this we call a habit or faculty, órá dexterity in acting by reaf-on ofpre- cedent arings. Thus yee lee what Mcmoiy is. Now this memory is of things that are pat} ; for ifthings.be prelim,, we are laid to lee them, or behold thew, or fo. But when they are pant, now if we can lee them frill, this is by way ofrewem bring ; indeed we may be Paid to remember things both pre - lent and to come, in regard that our knowledge of them is pat} ;