Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

to drawJe. S A I N T S. paff ; as the Apoffle (ayes, Remember theta that are in Bonds; At being bound with them ; Heb.x 3.3. That is, though the thing be now prelent, yet I would have you remerubcr it ; becaufc your warning is paff ; this is a duty, ye have been told in times paff, therefore looke ye remember it. So Solomon Payes, Remember thy Creator ix the dares of thy youth, Pfal. la. 1. That is, though thy Creator be not paff, yet thy crea- tion is part, and thou art not fo long but thou haft been told of thy duty in this thing is times patf ; O therefore remem- ber that ; nay, thus a osan may remember that which is yet to come, as for example the Day of his death, that he muft dye, and come to Juidgement ; for though the thing be yet to come, yet he bath had warnings of it in times paff ; as lerewy layes of lerufalem, her filtbineffe is in her shirts, the roman- bred mot herlefl end, therefore the came downe wonderfully, Lam. r.9. The Lord finds fault with her that fhe did not re- member her time to come. The reafon. is, becaufe the was told of it aforehand in times paff. . Now for the fecond thing ; that this . is a great Sidling. Beloved it is a great blefling of God, that we have fuels a faculty in us as to remember; it was a naughty leech of Char-owe that an excellent Memory is needfull for three forts of men. Firtf, for great Trades -men, for they having many bufinetlès to do, many reckonings, many yrons in the fire, had need of a good memory. Secondly, great talkers; for they be full of words, had need to have a good Store-houle in their heads to feed their tongues. Thirdly , for Lyars ; Cpertet mendacem effemeutorew, for they tellaag manyun- truti,s , had need of a good memory , to bee able to re- member what untruths they have told, lelf afterward they bee taken in their lying, contradiEfing themfelves. J lay this is a prophane fpeeth; as though a gond memory were of no other ale , then for engroffers of atfaires , and talka -, rive fellowes, and forging companions; whereas memory is a great dlerfing of God ; and the more we have of it, the P 3 more 293.