Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

_94 CHRIST'S Alarm I. 2. more advantage we have unto our ovine eternall good, ifwe have a heart. Firft, it is 'a great biding that what we once knew, we may alwayes know ; now thiS may be by memory ; were It not for this, we fhould be Ignorant againe as fait as we learne ; whence is it that ye Will know to read, but becaufe ye remember your letters and fpelling; whence is it that ye Will know your Trades and your callings, which ye were taught .4.0 long agoe, but ye remember how ye were taught. Yee once knew the grounds of Religion , may be yee were taught heretofore; it ye know them Will, it ss becaufe ye remember them ; were it not for Memory', we fhould be as much to feek, as if,vve had never Iearnt ought; as Jude -f yes, /will pet theme in remembrance, ,though yet once knew this, ude.T. That is, as yee once knew it, fo jr delire that yee may know it Will ; that it may Flick by you, that you may make it your own ; what ,a mercy is this ? We can- not undertake to have alwayes the tneanes- of Knowledge, we may want Preaching; God knowes how foone; now if we have memory to lay up fume knowledge, we may have the benefit of it, how ever things goe; may be God gave us a warning, to take heed of fuch and fuch fines, now if we have a good memory, this wárning may be bill prefent with us ; we have had Inch ' motions , fuch con - V1 ions, fisch fights of finse, fuch ffirrings, Inch manifefia- tions of God to us, what a merry is it that God 'huh given us fuch a thing as Memory is ? As we had them once, fo we may have them Will ifwe remember them-. Seoondly,'mernory is a great blefling, to bring our Know - ledge to arçl upon all occafions. How many thoufand truths doe we know, that we ,doe not, neither can we aólu- ally thinke of; now when we have ufe of thofetruths, it is a great mercy, that the Lord bath framed a memory in us, where we may have themtpon all fuch occafions ; e.g. we know we fhould be patient, may be we doe not thinke of this duty for a day together but now when we have e fe