to drolazlZe S A I N T S. I 295 ufe of it, then we may remember n ; So for meekneffe we know it, and for. forgiving of wrongs, to refill temptations, to deny our felves, toflaunne the occafions ofevall; we know . ail theft things, but our knowledge cannot alwayes be in a& ; now when we have ufe of theft truthes, what a mercy is it that we have filch a thing as Memory is to remember them afrefli? Did David a&ually think of Gods gracious judgements alwayes? No, but w hen .he had ufe of them, when he was at a dead Iift, then memory brought him to minde. I remtembred thy judgements O Lord, and coat - forted ney , fel fe, .Pial.t rg,sa. May be Peter had no occa. Eton a&ually to thinke of thole words of Chrilt, that John indeed Baptized with water, but yet (hall be Baptized witb the holy Ghat : but having a memory, that gave him the ufe of thofe words in due time ; then l remembred the word, of the Lord fayes he, Ait.t i.a6. May be this truth is not thought of a twelve- moneth together, that mites enemies may be they of our own houtlhold ; now perhaps all on , fuddain we have ufe of this truth, then we remember it; now is not this a great mercy, that .God bath given us filch a thing ; that we may..put up his truths, as a man does; his mony in his ride, to;.táke it,out when (*cation is.. , Thirdly, i` is a great Bleffing to have God alwayes with' one; This Memory is luck a faculty thät if a man have a heart, hee may have God alwayeswith lrim, and Heaven with him ; yee know that moll men are without God in the World what is the reafén Of it ? But becanfe they' will.not remember him ? How many doe know. God very much ?. As the Heathens did , they knew him tobee.Eter- pall , to bee Almighty , to be every - where, to be Holy and Jufl , they knew him, -but they did not like to retaine him in their knowledge ,'1,.om. i . 28. That is, they let him goo a- way from them they would not keepe him in remembrance, as Nabuchadnezer layes of his Dreamt, when hee had forgot- ten his dreamt, Ic it gene taway from me, fares bee, Dan. a. Ç. S© 3.