296 CHRIST'S arldrm 4. So people forget God, they let God goe away from them ; Now beloved, this makes us without excurc, when God bath given us a Memory, wee might have God * lwayes with us , if wee had a heart ; wee need not let him goe away. The Memory is a dcepe vault in the Soule, where it may hide what it bath a mind to , that, nor men nor Devils can take it away from us ; as the Ifraelites hid their Corne from the Midianite:, fo we may hide what ever our heart bath a liking unto in our memories, that we may have it alwayes with us, if we will ; as it is laid ofthe good Merchant, when be had found the rich Treafùre ha hid it, Matt h.r ;.q.4. That is, he laid it up in his foules florehoufe ; as Solomon !ayes, wsy Soon if then milt receive ,e,y words, and hide my Com- randowents with thee, Prov.a. t . I lay the memory is a deep vault in the fòule, where a man hides what he bath a minde to , that it may never be taken away from him ; fo that memory is an excellent thing; a man may have God al- wayes with him, and heaven and all heavenly things, if fo he have a minde to them. Fourthly, it is a great Melling, that if a man chance to goe out of his way, he may put himfelfe in againe, feeisg he bath a memory; J fpeake of a Chriffian, that hash once heard the wayes of God, he cannot goe out, but by memory he may put himfelfe in agame ; memory is the fouler Map ; as Da- vid layes, all the ends of the earthfball remember tbennfelves and turns tints the Lord, Pfal.zz.a7. He fpeakes of all Gods Ele &; marke how they get into the way againe, they {hall remember themfelves fo when ere a man fieps aide by pride, thus hee may come in againe by rernernbring himfelfe ; O, God refifteth the Proud , the Lord (ayes bee will give grace to none but the humble ; Thus Ire may come in againe ; fó if bee flep afide by too much yeelding to the World, thus bee may let himfelfe tmrights O woe is Free, what have J done ? Now J remember the love of the World is enmity with God ; if bee chance to have by-thoughts at the hearino of the Word, let him remember himfelfe. O what a heaß am