to dratvfie SAINT S. Z97.. am J 1 J forgot J was in Gods pretence with him, j remem- ber my ielfe, that Jam before him ;, and thus bee may cor- reelhimfelte; So the prodigall Sonne did, when bee had fetch't his wilds vagary , at Tart bee remembred himiélfe ; O how many hyred Servants sf my Fathers bave bread e' notigh ? Luke 15.17. flee remembred what a good Fa- ther hee had runne away from , this fetcht him home a- gaine. Fifthly, its a great Blerling to helpe a man to beleeve; 5. though a man doe not beleeve for the prefent ; he hearcs the word ofGod, hee heares that whichmight doe him good, but for the prelnt bee does not beleeve ; yet who knowes but this very Word may doe him good another day Memory may bring it to niinde, through tie goodnelle of God and then hee may beleeveit ; as theDÜèiples of CHRIST, gee may read how that Clara ipake Come words, that did them little good for the prefent. But the Text (ayes, that when he was rifen again, then they remembred the words that he had faid unto them and belceved Job. a. 2 a. Many times we are untoward for the prefènt, and then the word does us little good, J but it's a bleffing that we can remem- ber ; the fame word may be reprelènted by our memories to us, and may doe the deed; as we fee in the fecond bonne in the Gofpell ; his Father faid to him, Got woke to day in my Vineyard; yee know how diftemper'd he was for the prefent, he anfwered and [aid, J will not, Matth.21.19. j afterwards he repented himlelfe and went, that is, he re- membred afrefh what his Father laid to him, and that made him doe it. Sixthly, it's a great help to better Knowledge ; it may be 6. at the firfl, when we are taught, the word does not fink in- to our hearts, we do not underfland it. But yet remembring what at was we were told, afterwards through the mercy of God tome thing or ocher comes in, that now we can fay, bleffed be God, now I ut+derÑand fuch a Truth, fuch a Pro - miie , filch a Commandement ; and yet no new teaching Q q but