101 CHRIST'S ilarpr< 7. but reme inurin onely what we read or heard ; as linnne.. time , one of the Jewifh Aoéors not underll:andtng that 1 place in the Prophet, where it is laid, That God would fweep them away with the berom of deftru4tion, Ili. 14. a 3. After- wards fccing a Maide come with her befòme to fweep the houfè, now he law the meaning of the place; fo when Chrift Paid to Peter, that before the Cock crovved twice he would deny him thrice ; that Peter had e poore weak heart, and that he had a horrible Beale of faint-heartedneffe in him; and that he tvould deny his own Mailer, Peter under- ; flood not his words, he law no filch thing in his heart, as to thinke thofe words to be true. But when he had been in the High Prief's Hall and Chace had abjured his Mailer, and had heard too the Cock crow twice, and his Mailer look at him, note he remembred his words, and went out and wept bitterly, Matth.a6.71. That is, now he law the truth of Chriils words , now l e law what a wicked' heart he had, and lamented it. J fay memory is a great help unto knowledge ; as God layes ; O my people, remember now what Balak King ofMoab confulted ; and what Baalatn the Son of Beer anfivered him from Shittini to Gilgal,that yee may know the righteoufneffe of-the Lord, Mich.6.5. How many things have we heard and lèene, when we were Children. that then we never kneed tle meaning of ? Yet afterwards when we come to have more wit, then remembring what they were, we urderiland them ; as Chrift laid to Peter, when he went to wafh his feet ; what tdee thou knowef net now, but thou fhalt know hereafter, Joh.1 3.7. That is, when thou remembrefl it hereafter, then thou (halt know my meaning in it. Seventhly, Memory is as excellent helpe for a than to Preach to himfelfe ; Beloved we can but preach to you an houre or fo, but feeing God bath given you memories, yee may preach to your felves all the day long ; memory may help you to repeate the word every day in your hearts ; as the Apottle layes, fpeaking unteyour felves,Ephef.ç. z 9.So by rea fon.