todrof-vfleSAINT S. reafon of this blefhngof God, yee may fpeake to your (elves from day to day. Nay Eighthly, it's an excellent thing, for it may let you have the benefit of things before they be ; yo:;r death is not yet, your laft ficknefle is not yet, your ialvation is not yet ; the day of Judgement, the Kingdoms of glory, thefe are things that arc not yet. J but, you having a Me- mory , yee may have much benefit by them in the means rime; yee may reprefent them to your (elves as things pre - fent , and have a world of good by them ; and fo all the things that are part , no a6c of the Soule can make them fill prefent but Memory ; your Child-hood is pall , all the Ser- mons that yee heard heretofore are all pail. O how many fumes have yet committed is times paft ! and how many dealings have yee had of God in the dayes that are paft ? Now having a Memory, except yet have graceleffe hearts, yee may -doe your felvcs good by all theft , even as if they were now before you.; If a childe of God bee at a loffs for the prefènc, bee may helpe himfelfe by Memory ; as Ds- Dui ¡ayes , J remembred the dayes of .14 ; J call to renmern- branee my Sang that 3 leave had Pfa1.77. S, 6. So if any of you bee (seers , yee may remember force thing or other that is oafl , which may awaken you againe; bath God never Chewed you your damned efiate heretofore ? Were yee ne- ver ficke heretofore, and did you not fee that if yet had dy- ed in that cafe, yee had perifht ; yee may remember that now, and awaken your (elves ; and how ifGod fhauld take you away in fuels a cafe as that ? It cannot bee related what a Bleffing is that wee have a Memory. But let us cone to the Third thing ; aad that is this, when may the Memory bee Paid to be alive ? J =fiver, there bee two parts of the Memories deadneffe towards God. The flak is, an aptneffe to forget God and all his Gomraandq. Secondly , an aptneffe to Remember chafe things that are ant fo good for us ; Now when thofe two faults are reified in force meafure, dicta the Memory is alive towards God. Qq a Pirfl, 299 8.