C S T'S loans Pitfi, There's. aptnetfe in your memories to forget.. God and all his commands ; yee kilo, God command; ass to remem- ber the Sabbath 49, to keepe it holy, Exod.zo.8. How apt are we to forget it ? How commonly is it out of our minds ? So in the 78. Pfalme, and the 7. verfe, God fàyes there, He would not have as forget his werkes, but that we fhouldkeepe has COMM andements; now O how apt are we to let them leake out of our hearts ? We have a bellifh art of forgetful- neffe ; how often doe we forget our felves herein, and Puffer the remembrance of God to be taken away from us ? roe haveforgotten the exhortation that fpeakes to you as to Chil- dren, Heb.2 2 .5. How often doe we forget to keep our !elves utafpotted ? Though we be told ofthe will of God, yet any little thing is "enough to put it out of our minds, Slay them not lee my people forget it ; though we be told of our mifery, and the infinite danger we are in , may be at the fiat it moves us a little, but how !bon doe we forget it, and other things take us up? Now when this aptneflè is reaified in fbme meafure ; when God bath a found imprellé on our minds that we muff needs remember him, and all the things that concerne our peace ; when there's a Law in our mind es, that we will not forget God ; as yee may fee there in David, Bleffe then the Lord O my foule, and forget not all his benefits, Pf l.ro3.2. When our Memory is fanaified, and is made the good Treafury of our heart ; when the Lord bath lifted up our memory unto him, then it is alive. Secondly as by nature there's an aptnefre in our me- mory to forget God fo there's an aptneffe to remember other things that either are not good for us, or not fo good ; we are apt to remember injuries ; nay, one injury will be thought on more then many good turnes; fo likewife idle tales, we are apt to remember them ; whereas good things goe out its our hearts like íparkes in wet tinder. We may fee this in the hearing of the word ; the Apoflle tearmes to forgetfull hearers, James.s.z g. If a tale be told us in a Sermon that we can remember ; how many are apt to carry{