30Z CHRIST'S Warm too ; as the Prophet fi y es , 7 will reeves forget thy Precepts, for with them those hilft yutcleaed ape, P L.r 59.93. That is, any memory is quickened up to thy Precepts, becaufe with them thou halt quickened me; for we fee commonly, that the faculty of Memory is much at one after converfion that it was before converfion ; if it were a weak memory be- fore ; fo it is - after; onely this ; as the ftrength of it was let out towards the world and finne, and lélfe before, fo now the ltrength of it is in fòme meafuré let our towards the bed things. And therefore what can the life of the memory be, but the aptneffe of a man co remember God a. Secondly, becaufe this is the onely Praaicall memory ; yee know a ian may have an admirable memory, to re- member Sermons, whole Chapters in the Bible, and yet have a de.td memory to God ; a Sanaifâed memory, is a Praiti all memory ; as the Lord fàyes, remember the Sab- bath day, to keep it holy ; q. d, yee may remember dill when the Sabbath is come, J this is the Sabbath day ; that is not it ; that's onely a Contemplative memory. But J would have you have a Praélicalì memory ; not onely to remember the duty but remember for to doe it ; for as the Contemplative undetdanding bath a faculty of con - ferving its fpecies ;_ fo the Pra&icall iirderflanding, bath a, faculty of coniérving its fpecies too ; as long as a man bath not this praEticall memory, it is nothing. Beerttefe he reaaom- bred nit to Phew mercy, Pfàl:ro9.r6. Marke, the Lord dots not finde fault with a man for not reànembring of that duty, for may be he did remember that, J but he did not remember to doe his duty; this is a live memory, when a mans praóticall meseory is towards God and his wayes. Now when a man is made againe to remember God and all his holy wayes, now his memory mutt needs be made Pra&icall. 3. Thirdly, becaufe this is the onely Memory that repro- fonts things live'y to the Souk. J lay when a man is made in fornemeafure apt and inclined to remember God, then