Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

then ad oncly thee does his Memory reprefènt God and his waycs lively to him; yee know Keafon fayes, the life of the Memory treat} needs bee in this, that it reprefènts things lively and powerfully unto us ; when it does not only fhew us what wee doe remember , but it fhewes it to the life when is { heaves it dully and bluntly, and obícurcly that's with a kind of forgetfulneflè; then a man remembers it to the full, when a man remembers to the utmoft what be once knew ; fo that if a mans Memory bee alive, it mull remem- ber'to the full in a perfe.t manner ; As David luyes, j have retsembred thy Name, 0 Lord in the night , and have kept thy Law, Pfa .19.55. That is, Jremembred it, andretnem- bred it to the full J reprefented it powerfully to:my (elfe, lb that J made my (elfe to keepe thy Law by it. J affeaed my own heart by what j did remember; as the Church fayes, Al; flute bath them fill in Remembrance, and le bumbled within. mg. Lam.3.20. Well then yee fee, that a lively memory is it that reprefents things lively to a man ; now when a man is made againe to remember God and his wayes,tken and never till then does he reprefènt God lively to himfelfe. Thofe that have not this aptneffe wrought in them, may be they remem- ber God now and then, and the duties now and then , but they never remember them in a lively perfeck manner.. The Life of this is, irtl, if this be the onely lively memo-, ry to be apt to remember God, then let us labour to get this fame aptneffe : into our mindes to remember God in all our wayes. Let us confider. Fitfl, becaufe without this memory, all other memories are nothing. Jfrael had a memory to remember God ; they remembred that Gad was their 1Kosk, and that the high Codwas their I?edeemer,Pfal. 78. ;; 5. But that remembrance was nothing, So that if we be not thus inindfull of God, we are yet in our Ganes ; as God His Judah. lfecsre!e thou halt forgotten me, and calf ms bthinde thy back, therefore bears then thy lcwdnefe,.Ezek. a 3. III 3 S. Ifa man were once pulled out of his fnnes, if he once had