f ta droawfie SAINT S. 1 305 ti-ca it hash laving fpecies of God; no man can have other money in his purse, then he purs into his purfe. If he would have Gold in his purse, hee muff put Gold into his purfe ; fo if wee would remember God aright , let us labour to get a pal) t knowledge of him. 3 will sflabléfh my Covenant with thee, and thou fhalt ,(now that J am the Lord, that thou mayeft Rcmentber, &a. Ezek. r 6. 62,63. Secondly, a new and a true Heart; mens Memories ever follow the nature of their hearts ; that they ever will re- member that their Memory is to fet to ; let a man be Proud, bee will ever remember his refpea : let him doe any thing that feemes to deferve praife, hee will ever remember to jet himfelfe; let him bee at any time difparaged, hee will ever remember to be very much flirted ; So let a man be Covetous, he will ever remember his profit, he will re- member never to goe againft his profit, if he can otherwife choofe ; what ever he forgets, hee will not forget that ; fo let a man be Bookitli, let a mans lufks be to have Learning, he will be fure to remember that; now if a mans heart be let truly towards God, this will draw his miede towards God, now he will remember to pleafe God, to have his heart in a fweet frame ; if he find any diffemper in his heart, he will remember to remove that if he can pof&- bly ; when the Heart is upright, it runnes thus ; We will re- 'nosier thy love more then Wixe, the upright love thee, Cant. /.4. So that if we would remember God with this alive memory, we muff get an upright heart. Thirdly, a cleare and a diffin&. efiate before God ; as long as a man is confufed in hit Confcience, he knowes not what to make of himfelfe ; this breakes the neck of true Memory ; A?etboduo eft mmatermemoria, diffindtnefifeis the mother of Memory as we fay. Let a man be confufed in his notionç, this fpoilcth all Memory ; fo it is here, as long as we are confufed in our Con(cience>, we know not where . we are ; we cannot remember God ; we know swt what to call to mind; his Juffice or his Mercy, his Prom ifes or Rr his a. 3