7 3e36 ( CHRIST'S !llarm his Threatnings; as David when he was to feeke at one time, he could not remember God to any purpofe, J re tnembred God and was troubled, fayes he, Plal.77.;. He was troubled horribly in remembring of him ; like a man in his wooing, be is troubled to remembet ought ; now when a man hath cleared up his Efate, tt's Grange to fee how cleare he is in his Prayers, how cleare in his Confci- ence, cleare in his apprehen1 ons, where as another man knows not where he is; th that if we would remember God in all our wayes, let us labour to cleare up our effares ; this will help us to remember him a thoufand times better then ever we did before ; then we (hall fee bis Promifes di(lin&ly, and every thingdifkin &ly. 4. Fourthly, a Delight in good wayes ; this is a very admi- rable help of Memory ; what's the reafon , wee are apt to forget any thing, but becauf we do not regard it ; the more the mind regards any thing, the more it remembers it; as the Prophet fayes, I will delight my felfe in thy Statutes, Î will not forget thy word, Pfal,i 1946. Ant fo for bop too. Pfal.78.7. Fifthly, Meditation is another elide of this remembrwg of God ; Meditations faltiaxt memoriam, fayes Arillotle. the more a man thinkes of a thing, it is the deeper in his minde ; when the good man had faid, He would remember Gods workes, Pfal. 77, s i . O Cayes he, I will meditate of them, vcrfe 1 a. 6. Sixthly, the rubbing up ofour Memories. The memo- ry is a very lazie faculty, if it be not every foot rubbed up, it will be forg,etfull ; therefore we fhould rub up our minds, if we fee them ready to let his word flip, we muft call it hack aL aine ; as the Lord fayes, Remember thra and fhew your feines men bring it to mind O yee tranfgref fors,110.46. 8. Our memories are naturally :exceeding flippery, they arc apt tq leake out that which is good ; and therefore we fhould take paines with our mindes, As the Apoftle fpeakes 'There- fore wee ought .to give the more earne f heed to the things f