Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

TO THE vHRISTIANMEADER, Chri.ttian Aeader : Hou haft here Publitht, for thy benefit a Treatife of a neceffary and profi- table Subje& ; wherein ,. thou íhalt find, Maxum (1,4 ) parve, a great deale of matter in a little Trea- r ^` rife : and that not trafh, I nor altogether vulgar but precious Truths, and manychoice notions. A Treatife that it may be this queazy Age will hardly relifh, Mannah is lothed by wanton appetites, Scriptures are looked over now by fome as rude elements, how much more, thofe Bookes that lay downe Elements of Religion out of them ; but know thou, that they have the wont ftomackes, that muff he fed,with fancies and made ditties ; and they are the healthief, that feed on ordinary folid food. And their foules are but difeafed pieces that relifh little but new crankes ; the foundeft and ftrongeft foules are fuch as love and feed on ordinary wholfome Truth.. Ordinary truths, are like ordinary mercies, A 2 and