Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of 13Rptijme. before he was baptized, Ait. 8, 37, Or at leali be in the fanafifying Covenant of faith, and fo even a Child is cleane, $ Cor,7,14 L. 8. How then can babes be Baptized? .Anf. Children ought to be Baptized, a. For all the Jaylors houfe was baptized, Alt. ¡6, 33. And all Stephan hour= hold, 1 Cor. 1,16. Whereof it is likely Children were part ; z. For children were Circumcilèd, Luk. 1, 59. No* Bap - tifine is the circumcifion of Chriff, Colof. z, 11,1 z. 3. And when Peter urged Baptifine upon his hearers hee preffed it with this argument; becaufe the Promife was made to--you and to your children, Allt. z, 39. The Covenant to Abraham, and his Seed {lands everlaftingly, Gen. 17, 7. In fubfance to them' which are the children of faithfull Abraham, Rom.4,16. Q. 9. Can Babes have Faith then ? A. Firftthey may have the Peale of Faith, Rom. 4, 11. Secondly, they may have the Spirit of God, Luk,t,15. Which is a Spirit of faith, 1 Car 4, i 3. Thirdly, they may have faith fo accounted, for they may be Paid to believe, Matth. 18, 6. 4.1y, They may have fèminall Faith, for.they may bee borne againe, and then the feed of God abideth in them, s Jahn ;, 9. As children have a reafonable foule, though yet they have not a&uall reafon to know the right hand from the left. Jonah.4, I t . fo they may have the feeds of faith though they do not actually beleeve, becaufe knowing and beleeving go together, I joh.4,16. Q. t o. Have all eleFt Babes then this Spirit of Faith, and thisfamefeminall Faith, in their V aprs fine ? 1. Some have as firfi Jeremiah was anetified in the wombe. Jer.1, 5. John leapt in his mc,wters womb for joy in Chrift Lake, 14,4. Secondly, fuc} as Phew ftrange,in 1}in &s and aptnes in Religion and ocflmeffe as (none as they Anon fpeake plaine, m as Timxhy who fvingly knew the Scriptures from a child, z Tim. ;,15 . bot all have not, for fome live in fin till so yeeres after, as 'Paul was not converted A z till