Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

4 f Of Barimfi . still he was at the age of a man, Ath 9, 3. Beeing fenfuall before, and therefore without the Spirit, Jude 19, Neverthe- leffe though he had not the Spirit dwelling in him from the womb, yet he had the Spirit feperating and keeping him, for a day of converlion, Gal, r. i y. But his Circunicióon, and his Baptifine were not actually availeable to the fealtng of.re- uüffïon oflins, till bee did call on the Name of the Lord by Faith, Aft.2z,16. Q. it, What benefits haft thon by Baptifine ? A. Three : J am thereby foaled. Firft to be a member of Chrifls body the Church, i Cor. 12,13'. Secondly, to be one of the Sons of God, Soh. i, 12, 17. For fo was Chrift scaled `Gods Son, Jeh. 6, 27. in his Baptifne, Math, 3,17. Third- ly, to bean inheritor of the Kingdom of God, Mark,16, 16. Standing benefits have no need of reiteration, therefore is there no need of reiteration of Baptilìne, for there is ncuoften put to it, as there is to the Lords Supper, I Cor,11, ay. For it is a Sacrament of regeneration or the new birth, Tit. 3, 5. A man cannot be born twice, John 3, 9, ro. for the ingrafted word of God doth dwell for ever in him, 1 Pet,l,ay. 12. Have all that are Baptized there benefits? A. No, for the Spirit bloweth where it lifteth. John 3,S. and loth not tye himf lfe to the water of Baptilme, Math.3,11. I Neither is this Baptilin which is outward in the flefh, Rom.2, 28. E/mi was Circumcifed, yet God hated him, Rom. 9, 13. Simon Mates Baptifèd, yet in the gall of bitterneffe, Aft. 8. r3,23. Q. r 3. Who bee they that hove net thefe benefits? A. No man can know them, till by their fruits wee may know them, ¿tub.7 13. Indeed Parents ere bound to be- leeve the boa ant, hope the heft, for fo Charity loth in all things that are not ye:nsanifefl, 1 Cor, i 3, 7. But for all our Charity', they cannot becvouchfafed forgiveneffe oflins, unleffe they joyne amendment or; life to their Saptifine, 2, 38. Nor faved, that anfwer not out of arr upright Confcience to Chrias interrogatories, though they were wafhed, t Bet.3,31. And