Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of Beliefe or Faith. A nd yet members in Chrifts vilble Church and veffels in his houfe, z rim. a, zo. And called Sons of God though rebelli- ous, Ifa. r. z. And may be laid to bee begotten with an out - ward regeneration, Deut.;a,t ä. O. 14, What diddcfiz thou premife and vote in thy Baptifine ? A. Three things, Firh, Repentance of my (ins, for hee that live:h in fin is of the Divell, a John 3,g. Secondly, faith, for he Mat beleeveth not is condemned already, !obit 30.F. Thirdly, obedience to all Gods Commandements, for curled is hee that obeveth not, Jer. t 1, 3. Allthe(é things was Jtaught in my Baptifine, to oblerve all my life after, Math a8, 19, zo. Now all this obedience mull be done by, the power of faith in Chrill, Co L. 3, x7. And therefore it is called the obedience of Faith, 9,gm.16, 26, And this faith worketh by love, Ga1.y,6, And love mull let nie on worke to keepe Chriils Commandments, J4'114,15. Q. r 5.. Art thou bound to per forme thy Bapti fmo , Vow snd Oath r A. J am bound, Pfal. yo, 1.. Or elfe J (hall be utterly cut off, Nah. r, i S. Yea, Jam perjured elfe, in making filch a Covenant, Hof. 10, 4. And Chrin will be a fwifi witneffe again(1 mee, Mal. 3, 5. And if J now live in fin and doe not keepe my Vow, it is better for mee J had never taken this Vow upon mee Ecct,S,y. Quell. 16. What t Belief or Faith ? Anf, It is the gift of God, Epbef 2.8. whereby J belieee the words of Chrifl, ?XI 19.66. and find red in my fo in him, Math.a r .29. So that now it is no more j olive and worke, and do, but Chrifl that liveth in me, 6.4 ?3.2° .Q.17. How many Wayea'ù Faith taken? A. Six ; fiat, Hifloricall faith, Jam.z.t9 Secondly, a dead faith,Iaml.2.26. Thirdly, a temporary faiei,1;41k;8.13. Fourth.. Ily,abare hoping faith, At s 8.13, Fifcily, a mi'aculous faith, a Cor.13.z. Sixtly, this fame laving and iunifying faith, Rom. i 5.1. A. Reprobate may have the firfr five and be damned; for A 3 there I5