Of Belief or Faith, A. Becaufe J cannot be faved without a particular Faith of my own, hem.2.18. (The jug {hall live by his faith,Ha6.2.4.) Whereby J may fay, Chrifk gave himfelf for me, G41.2.20. and that he is my Saviour, Luk.z.47, for faith is my life,Ich.2o.3z . As Davidcould fay, J live, Pfal.z z 6.2. So he could fay, Jbe- lieve,verfe i o. Neither is this prefumption in a believer ; for he knowes, that Chrifl is his Redeemer in particular, ¡oh i9.25. Yea in the time of fpirituall delertion, he can fay, My God, my God, Ffal.2j.t. Q.23. II not thso Prefssmption in fame ? A. Yea, it is p*fiimption in many, for if a carnal! Profeffor (hall lay, my God, Hof..8.2. the Lord pardons not his limes for all this, but is an enemy unto him, verfe 3. As the body without the fpirit is dead, fo faith without workes is dead alto, Jam.2,26. Ignorant faith is no faith, but unbeliefe, t Tim.1, 13. Faith askes who, and what, who is the Lord that Jn a' beleeve, Iohn9,36. For faith is an explicit knowing faith, through Faith weunderfland, Heb.11,3.. Knowledge is partly before Faith, z Iehn 4,16. And partly after Faith, 2 Pet.z,5 . A. man mull: know what he beleeves, or elfe he cannot beleeve, lohn 38. Yet faith is not fo explicit, but there is fome implicit - neffe in it, as long as we live here, s John 3,2. 24; flow eani' thou fay, l beleeve, can a man know that he beleeveth ? A.- A man may know that he belecveth,z Tim. 1,t 2. Even by that help of Gods Spirit, i Cer.2,12. For he hath that wit- nefle in himfelf. z feh.',zo. Indeed while he is a Babe in Chrifl, it may be he -lehoweth not a Babe is a Babe, though bee underhand it not bee -underffundsas a babe, z ior.13,1z. Yea in the time of temptation too, a man is a man, though in a fwound lie knoweth it not, in fuch a cafe David may feare he is calf off for ever, Pfal.77,7. Alfo when pal!ions are violent, as overmuch griefe, or overmuch joy, Luke .24,4I. But a child of God when his unbeliefe is at the worft, bath an inck- ling that hee Both belt -eve, dark, 9,24. Or props himfelfe at leaf} with this beliefe, that hee bath beleeved, 2 Cor.4,13. How-