$ Of Belief or Faith. Howfoever faith bringeth evidence' and affurance with it at the Taft, Ileb.i 4, a5. What fay yea of them that have the Spirit of bondage? 4. The child of God had nonce, but then he:hath it no more to feare againe, Rom.8,15. Thole that thinke:they have affurance, and fometimes conceit they are ar;ght,and iòmetimes feare, the Lord joynes fuch with unbeleevcrs, Rev.z1,8. By fearefull are meant fuch, as dare not confcfle Chrilt in eviti times, They live in darknefle, and know not whether they go,' whether to Heaven or to Hell, John 1 z,25. The godly may fall fometimes into filch feares, that Chriflay upbraid them, How is it yee have no faith, Mark,ç 4,41. But they are reí- lefre till their Ele6tion and calling be made fine, and therefore they are diligent about ir, a Pet. s. t o. Q. 16. flow many ebjells of Faith are there that thon r, yet beleeve ? 4. j muff beleeve in one Lord. Ephef 4,5. Diftinguifhed into three persons, t John c,7. Firft in God the Father, i Pet. Secondly, in Chní, John r 4,1. Thirdly, in God the holy Ghoft, Math,28,i 9. So far forth as it is written in the word, lehn 20,31 Which is a word of Faith. Rom. o,8. A plaine and aneaie word, that the fimple may be converted by it, Pfal. r 9,7. P1;41.119,130. It is a perfit word, able to make the man of God petit , a 7ím.3,17. Whatsoever men , or Counfels, or traditions, or Angels from heaven fay ; J mull go to the word, if they fpeake not according to it, there is no truth in them. /fa.8,2o. If Pau/ himfelfe were now alive, and fhould Preach any thing betides it, hee were accurfed,Gal.1,v It is a damnable finne to add_ to it, Rev.2z,18. Or to take a tittle from it,verfe t9. 'Tis able to convince all vain -fayers without rw ntng to this or that mans Expofitions of it, the Scriptures themfelves Phew their own meanings, Alts 1 8,28. 27. B4may not men give their Expofitions unto it ? 4. There muí bee a tranflating of the word people under- Band not the Original tongue of it, 1 Cor.14.5. And an ex- pounding too; Luke 24,17. But no man may give their own fenfe