O f Belief or Paid). fente to it, but the fenfe of the word, Neh.8,8. For the lame Chrift that fpake the dark fpeeches and Parables, the fame aria doth expound them, Mark,.4,34 The holy Gholl !peaking in the Scriptures, Heb.3,7. Teacheth the right mean- ing, Zahn 14,26. Q. 28. How is this ? A. By fundry wa yes. Firff , by conferring places with places, as Micah 5,2. with Math.2,6. Secondly, by the !cope, as if J would know Peters meaning, why he laid, that Davids Sepulcher was then to be feene, AEt.t,z9. J may fee the fcope of that 1peech, verfe 3/ . Thirdly, oblèrving whe- ther the word be proper or figurative, John 15,a. and many others. Q. 29. What fay you more of the Ward ? A. It undertakes to be a rule to all that we do, to the wear- ing of our hayre, z {'or,z 1,l.. Or of 'a Garment, 1 Pet.3,3. To our eating and drinking, z .Cor,to,31. To our marketting and Marchandizing, yam.4,13. Not fó little as a Ilaootyer, but if it be amifl'e, the word Both condemn it /fa.3,18. Not fo little as an idle word, but the word doth tax it, Math.z a, 36. Not fo little as a thought, but it muff bee according to the Word, z Cor. ro,g. What ever we thinke, fay, or do, we muff be'carefùll to obferve the judgement of the word, and lay it before us, Pfa1.119, 30. Q. 30. Why doeff thou fay. J beleeve in God? Ä. For three reafons. Fitt. becaufe J do not beleeve un- le1i'e J go out of my felfe, and deny my fclfe, Math., 6 34. Secondly , unleffe J cat} my lelfe upon God, and rely on him. z Chron. o so, Thirdly unlefl'e not only naturally, but alto fpiritually J be in him,move in him, and live in him,Ai1.1 7 , z8. . 31. why do¡1 thou beleeve in God as a Father Al mighty ? A. Fir(f, that in my greneft dangers J may depend upon him á ho is able co delver nee, Dan.,17. This I mutt beleeve, Math.9,zS. Secondly, that in mygreateP temptations, J may E nor