Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

10 Of Beliefor Faith, not dare to fin again(1 him, for J am not (Ironger then he, z Cor.ao,zz. Q. 3 a Why maker of Heaven and Earth? A. Frr(I, that J may confider J am Created of God and for God to live holily, for the wicked are for the day of evill, Prov.16,4. Secondly, that J may glorify God in my foul and body, fo they are not mine but GoIs, 1 Cor.6,20, Thirdly, that J abide none of his Creatures, for they are all unto Gods praise, Plata 45,10, Nor prophane them, for God is holy in them, vent 7, But have pleafure to fearcla Gods greatnefle in them, `Pral,t 11,a. And fee the invifible things of God in them, Rom.1,2o. And confider them, Math,6,z8. And imeditate on them, Pfa1.c9.3,5. And learne Parables or Similitudes for Spi- ritual! things out of them, lífath.z4.3 z. For God teacheth mee by fuck Similitudes, Hol &z,to, 33. Why daft thou beleeve in Jefas Chrig his one y Son our Lord? A. For two reafons, Firfl, that J may bee juflifyed freely by his Grace, Romt.3,24, Who though he knew no fin, yet was made finne for mee, that J might, bee made the righteouf- neffe of God in him, z Cor.5,21, Secondly, that looke what - foever hee did, or fuf}ered, or had, may be woven in a mifiery into my heart ; if this millery had not been in Paul, 'hee him- idle had been a reprobate, z Cor.13, 5,6. Q. 34 Muff that then which was a hi fiery in Chriff, be a miff'ery in ter ? A, Yea, by the application of all thefe articles, concerning Chrill to our foules, J mull bee an adopted Son of God, r Joh,P 3,1. C hrifl mull bee formed and conceived in me, G41.4.19. J mull fufler withChrill, Rem.8,s7. And mine old man mull be crucifyed in me, and fin dye in me,Rom.6,6. J muff crucifyed to the world, and the world unto nice, Gal.6,I4..J mull be buried with him and railed up agaitse to a new life, Col.z,tz. And leek the things above in Heaven Col.3,r. And judge myfe here, otherwife, Jlhall bee judged and condemned ofthe ord,1 Cart r,at,