Of Belief and Faith, t t 35 . Why doe thou fay, Chrifl was conceived of the Holy Ghofi, &c. A. Hewas conceived, Luke i, ;a. By the holy Ghoft, ver. 3ï. for.the woman was found with child of the Holy Ghoft, Math.r,z8. Supernaturally that his conception might be without fin, ver.zo, For all ethers are conceived in fin, Pfa.51, 5, Becaufe that which is borne of the flefh is flefh, fehn 3,6. And yet.the Holy Ghoft made him ofa woman, Gal.4,4. And hee was borne of her, Math.r,a6. Being the feed of a woman, Gen.3,15. Of the feed of David, Rom.',3, The roote of jefe,1 fa. II so. Hee fuffered under Pontius Pilate who gave fentencc that hefbould be Crucifyed, Luke 23,24. And fcour- ged him and delivered him up to death, Marra 15, r 5. Under whom he had witneffed a good confeffion,, Tim.6,i 5. And therefore Chrift is Paid to be crucifyed at Rome the great City of Antic/win, Rev:r r,8. Becaufe Pontius Pilate who delivered him to be Crucifyed, was Governour under Tiberius Ccefar Empereur of Rome. Q. 36. Did Chrifl fuffer in Soule too? A. Yea, for his Soule was exceeding forrowfull even unto death, Math.26,38. His Soule was an offering for fin as well as his body, f1.4.5 3, 50. WholeChrift was furetie flit us. Heb. 7,22. And a curie for ùs, Gal. ;,1 3. For our Seules have need of Redemption as well as our bodies, `Pfa149;8. It is a figne he fuffered greater torments then bodily, by his fweat in the garden which was a bloody fweat, Luke 22,44. And by his lamentable 1peech on the Croffe, my God my God, why haft thou forfaken me, Math. 27,46. And by his not onely rafting of the firft death for sis, Heb.2,9. But alfo keeping of the fecond death from hurting us, Rev, 2,55. Q. 37. Hose is hell taken in Scripture? A. Firft , for the Grave, Ifa.14,0. Secondly Hell is taken for the feares of Hell , Pfal. t 16,3. Thirdly , Hell is taken for the place of the damned after this life, Luke 16,23. Fourthly , for the hidden parts of the earth, Pfal. 139, 8. Fiftly, Hell is taken for the Devil and whatfoever is hellifh, B Rev.2o,