Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

12 Of Beliefvr Poith; Rev.2o,14. Sixtly, for the lowefl degree of Chrifts humilia.. tion, Alt 2,27. Q. 0. What fayefl thou of Chrifts difceñt inta'Hell? A. Nor as though he de1eended to hell to fuffer there the Fames of the damned, for he laid upon the Crofle it is fìni(hed, John.Q,3o. Or to deliver the Soules of the Patriarchs and Fathers of old out of Limb., for they were glorifyed before, Math.17,3. And in Paradice by the vertue of .Chrifts death, he being the Lamb flaine from the foundation of the world, Reti.t 3,8. Or to Preach to Souks there in prifon, r Pet.3,19. For that was his Spirit, Preaching in the mouth and dayes of Noah while they were alive, ver.zo. or to tryumph over Hell and Divels, fir that hee did Upon the Croffe, Col. z, t 5. Nor as though be dekended Locally at all into Hell for all that we know ; for dying he Paid unto the good Thief. This day (halt thou bee with met in Paradice, Luke 23,43. And hee com- mended his Spirit into the hands of his Father in Heaven verfe 46. O. 39. Is it net an Article of Faith, and loath it not its meaning? A. Yea, it is an Article of Faith ( though the Greeke Church 1 hath omitted it in their Creed) taken out of Scripture AEls a,3I 1 And by this laine dikent into hell, is meant Chrills lowefi degree of humiliation, oppofed to the bight of his exaltation and afeenfion Ephef.4,1o. For he was not only dead, but hidden of death for a while, though he could not be held quite, A 7- s.2,24. Howfoever this delecnt into hell be underftood, we are lure by this means his people (hall never defcend into hell, Rom.8,r. O.lo. What beleevefl thon of F, hri(fs riling the third day ? A. He role againe, not by re- uniting his body to his God- head, for they were never ferved by death, for being Crucifyed,. bee was Will the Lord of glory, r Cor.2,5. But by ee- uniting Soule and bod y togeth er, and taking his life againe, which before he had laid downe, John 50,17. And hee himlelfe had power to doe it, verfe 18. To bee Lord of quick and dead, Rom.14,9