Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of Belief or Faith. Ram.x 4,9. And this bee did the third day, a Cer.tS,4. Name- ly, the third day from his fuffering pafïìvely, verfe 3. And therefore the, fpace is called by the Scripture, the fpace of three dayes', John ;29. And becaufe that every day hath a night belonging to it, it is called the (pace of three night; too, Math. e a,¢o. That as by man came death, To by man a *. might come the refurreLtton of the dead, e Car .z5,ar. Him frlfbeing the firlf fruits of then that fleepe, verfe ao. And the 6rfr borne from the dead, Col. 1,1;3. And the hill begotten of the dead, Rev.x,s. And dyed) no more, Rom.5,9. And therefore thofe that role before Chrrfr, as the Shunemites child, z Kings 4,3 ï. And Luz,ar:?s, and the cell role again to a mortall life, l ohn a e, 44 41, Why did (brig rife againe? 44. Heroic againe for the glory of God and the good of all the Ele &, R,om.5,4. That they plight be glori6éd, Rom.4,z5 For if bee had not rifen they had frill been ill their finnes, x C'or. ¶,17. This article was a comfort to /oh and all before the comming of Chnft, Ieb.19,z5. And is to be rcmembred of all the people of God, as a comfort againft all troubles, namely that Jelus Child- is rifen from the dead, z Tim.z,8, and for divers other reafons did he rife. Q. 4s. What beleeve you concerning the other two Articles? A. Hee afeended into heaven, John ?,23. and was feene fo doing, John 6,6z. being taken up, rlTs r,9. and he went up, verfe ro. whether the bodies of the Saints are not yet afcended, no nor David :, Alts 2, 34. though their foules doe afcend as (none as they are diffolved from their bodies to be with Chrift, l'hil.x,23. and the Heavens mutt receive him till the times of reftitutiòn. 411: 3,z 1. and therefore in refpe& of his body wee have him not with us here on earth, John.x z,S. But onely Sacramentally in his Supper , e Cor.11,24. And gee fitteth now at the right hand of God, Col.3,1. in the throne of his Father Rev, 3,22. being perferred even in his humane nature, above all Angels, and all Principalities and powers, Epherr,so,zr. expe&ing till his enemies be made his foot- Y, 3 íloole,