Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

14 I Of Belief or Faith. itaole,Heb.to,r 3. Whe re Steven law him {landing up as in I his defènce, .Als 7, 5 5. and where hee maketh interceffìon for his redeemed, Rom.8,a4. As being their'own only Mediator, r 7 im.2,5. Q. 43. What beleeve you of Chrifts judging the world? A. H.ee is ordained of God to bee Judge of quick and dead, AIc}s,t o 4t: Not onely men, but Angels are referved to the day, when ( being called the great day Jude,6. He fhal.l come to doe it vilibly, í1îE, t, t z. and according to thole-truths which are contained in the Gofpell, Rots. :.16. and as men may find their doome in the word, fo they mull expecî it, lohn,t 2,48. His Saints too, by their lives fhall judge all the world that are not Saints, z Cor.6,2. The fet day., and houre, and time, know. eth no man, nor the Angels, no not Chrift himfelfe as Man, Marke.I 3,3 -2.. Though 'a mans particular judgement be as hee dyes, Heb.9.27. eyther to Heaven or Hell, Luke. r 6.22,23. Q. 44. What is the Office ofChrift? ? ¢: A. Hee is our Mediatour, Heb x2.,24. and he that makes intercefiîon for us, He4.7,25. appearing in-the prelènce of God for us, Heb.9,24. and perfuming the Prayers of his members with the odours of his merits, whenfoever they pray in his name Revel.8, 3,4. In this fenfe, no metre creature can bee a Medi- atour to intreat for us, r Sam.2,25. And therefore it is in ano- ther fence, that the prayers of Saints living upon earth when they pray for other men, are called interceifions, z Tim.z,r . and wee mutt pray them to pray for 'us, Heb. r 3,1S. though not when they bee dead, for then they be ignorant of us ; yea, though it bee Abraham himfelfe, Ifa.63,16. The dead know not any thing of the affaires of this life, Ecclef 9, ç. The Lord counts it an ablurd thing, that the livingMould feeke unto the dead, Ifa.8s z9. when once their foules goe away hence they bee no more to appeare to us, Pfal.39,i 3. Neither have wee any warrant to pray the Angels to pray for us, thoughthey be fens forth to minifter for us; Heb.r,r4. Nor to fpeake unto them, unleffe it bee in a Rhetoricall itraine to bleffe the Lord, Pfal:ro3,zo. a e 4.5.