Of Belief or Faith, j i 5 z45 ,why did Chrff take the office of a Mediator upon him? A. Becaufe hee was eleeled of God for this purpofe, !fa. 42,1. and fore- ordained, 1 Pea ,zo. and fealed, John.6,z7. and Sanátifyèd, John 10,36. And given of God for the life of beleevers. 3ohn.3.16. not only to heipe (inners with a polli- bility of falvation that they might bee laved, ver.17. but to convert limiers, s 7ím.1,15. This was the agreement made between his Father and him, that hee should have a feed, and that the Redemption which hee purchaled fhould aóivaily profper, Ifa.53,1o. This was the principali end he lookt at, namely, that he might purchafe to himfelle a peculiar people, 7it.z,14. O. 46. Which be the particular Offices of Chriff ? A. He was Anointed, !fá.61.1. Fitti to be our Prophet, to whom we mutt hearken as long as we live, Dent ,18.15, Secondly,our merciful' and faithful( high Prieti, to reconcile us to God, Heb. 2.17. and King ofSainrs, Revell 53. For firli, we were defperately ignorant of God, and hee only can reveale God unto us, Math.i1,27, Secondly, wee were defperately alienated, being the enemies of God, and hee only can reconcile us, Cel.t.zt. Thirdly we were delperatly dibbled ,and could never have applyed this Redemption unto us, he only can make us Kings over (inne and death, Revel, s .6. Q. 47. Who is hee that in effectt denyeth Chrifizs offices, and teacheth menfo ? A. The Pope and his Church, for though he feeme to fit in the Temple of God,z 7hefa.4. and have the home of the Lamb, as though bee were Chrifis Vicar and friend, yet he fpeakes like the Dragon, Revel.13.41. And therefore bee is laid to deny Chriti, s loh. 2.22. Q. 45. How cloth he deny Chriffs Offices ? A. Firli, becautè he denies Chrifls Prophetical) office, bee coynes new Articles of Faith ; and therefore he is called the talle Prophet Revel. ia,zo. Secondly, becautè bee denies Chrilis Priefily office, for he undertakes to offer Chrifi in the Sacra- ment, whereas Chriti was ,onely once offered, Heb.9.28. He bath