16 Of Belief or Faith. bath invented fatisfaelions and penances, and Purgatory, t éx- piate for finne, whereas Chrifl trod the wine- prcfie alone, Ifa. 63.3. Thirdly, becaufe he denies Chrifis Kindly office, for he applies that to himfeif which.Chrifl fpake of hinífelf, Math. 28.18. and takes it only to himfelf, a Tias.6.I q. Q. 49. Dethhedeny no more of Chri.W ? A. Hee makes himfclf the head of the Church, whereas Chrifl only is the head, 1 Cor. t 1.3. this office being given him only of God, Ephef.1.2 2. He makes Peter and himfelf the rock which was meant of Peters confeffion that bee made, Math.16.18. Namely, Chrifl the Son of God, verfe 16. for he only is the Rock, a Cor.1o.4. The rock of all our fàlvati on, Deut. 3 2.15. And who is this rock fave our God, `Ppl. i8.3í. . - 50. Why doefl thou believe in God the Holy.Gbo ff ? A. That hce may apply < ;hrtfi unto me to Juftificarion, I Cor.6. t t. that he may transforme me into the image of God, 2 Cor.3,18. And make his graces fruitfull in me, 'Gal.5,2,2. that lice may teach me all truth, and put me in remembrance of Gods word. John 14,26. and lead me to walke uprightly, Pfa1.143,io. That he may comfort mein all Temptations, AEls 9,;1 . helping me with groves in my Prayers, Rom.8: 16. That bee may witneffí with my Spirit, that J ans Gods child, verfe 16, that he whom the world knoweth not, may abide with nie forever, Zoh.14.,16. For if any man have. not the Spirit ofChrifi, he is none of his, I2tn.8,o Q. 51. What deeft thou believe tie Holy t; haft loth more? A. J. believe that the Spirit makes me a member of one Body, a Cant 2,13. Namely, the holy Catholike Church of Chrill, which is fpoken of,. Rev.7,9. which is the body of Chrif, Cel,1,i8. and confiflech onely of Saints and Profef.. fors of holineffe, t Cor.i4, ;3. Whereof if any walke fcanda- foully, they are to bee admonifhed, and if they will not be re claimed, they muff be accompted as Heathens, Math.r 8,T 7, and call out the Church, though proud Diothephes abuled this power , 3 3ohn.10. and delivered up to Satan , for the dellru ion