Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of .Belief or Faith, deflrtt6tion of the Flefh, that the Spirit may be humbled, and fo lived if it may be poflible, r Cor.5,5 That they may learne not to blafpheme nor caufe the Word to be blaipemed, z 1,20. The vifible Church as have fame among them which are not of them, r loh.2,19. But the true Church which is called Invifible, becaulé the world cannot lie which .perfons they be arc onely them which {hall be Paved, Ails 2,47. O.98, Wherein dada the Communion Of Saints confi(f ? 4. In two things; firíi, in Feliowíhip with Chrili the head, r /oh4.3. Secondly, in fellówf}rip with the Saints, ver.7 and fo it confiflcth in 7. things ; Ftrft, iu Unity, Ephef,4.3,4, 5 &c. 2.ly,In keeping company with them,Pfal.a 6.3. Thìrdly,in Praying for them,Ephef648. 4.ly, in fellow- feeling compaffì- on and bowels, i'bi. za .2. Fifily, in helping one another out of fin,Gal60.and provoking one another to goodnels,Heb.toa4 Sixtly, in imitating the lives of the Saints, t 7hefr,6. as they imitate Chrifl, t Cart r.t. Seveuthly, in relieving them that lack, to the very felling ones goods if need require, 4th 4,34. 5 3. what believe'l thou concerning Reiwifsn of Sins? A. J believe, that all that believe in Chrit4 receive remif- lion of Sins, Xis 1 *,43 f cannot truly fay, Jam ficke, but my firmes are forgiven me, Ifa.33,14. blotted.out and remem- bred in heaven no more, Ifa.43.25. nor imputed to me, Pfal. 32,2. lout drowned in the Sea,Micb.7,t9. Namely of Chritis bloud, Ephef4,7. which cleanfeth me from all Sin, and J know my Beliefe is right, if J walke in the light, I Jahn 1,7. For who fo have not deflroyed the workes of the Divell in them, Chrift was never yet manifeul to them, t foil 3, 8. Thofe that fin againfi the Holy Gholl, (hall never be forgiven, Math. I 2,32. Neither are fetch as goe on in their guilty Conlciences forgiven, Exad.34,7, nor filch as provoke Chrift, and obey not his voyce; Exod,23,ar. Yet God is a God ready to Pardon, Nehens.9. r7. upon true Repentance and Faith anfwerable to the vow in Baptiline, AEI/ 2.38. 54. What 4elievaf tint concerning thy Refurrs 1ì of the Body? C A. Though