Of Belief or ,Faith, i A. Though fle(h and blond count it incredible, ACE: 26,8. nevertheleffeby faith J know it is true, loh,t t,24. And that there very eyes (hall rile and fee my Redeemer, lob 10,27. though the wormes have eaten up all my Flefh, verfe 26. yea, though my body were drowned and devoured of Fifhes, Rev, 20,1 3. yet the fubftance (hall be the fame, Jufiice requiring that the fame bodies that finned (hould be damned, and Mercy requiring, that the fame bodies that glorified God fhould be Paved, z Cor.5,1o. Nevertheleffe, J beleeve that the qualities and accidences (hall bee altered ; namely, that this very mortali (hall put on Immortality, r Cord 5,53. This dishonourable {hall put on glory, this weak (hall put on Power, verfe 43. this naturali body {hall bee railed a more Spirituali body, verfe 44. and beare the image of the heavenly, verfe 49, though it bee dilpierfed into a thoufand thoufand pieces by Corruption, yet Chriff will loofè nothing of it, Joh.6,39. And therefore my Flefh (hall not tea in hope, Pfal.t6,9. of the Redemption of my Body, Rom.8,23. That mortality may be {wallowed up of Life, 2 Cor.5,4. Though my foule while it is ablènt from my body, be prefent in the mean time with the Lord, verf.S. having returned to God that gave it, Ecclef. t 2,7. Q. 55 What believes thou more of the 7Cefarrref(ion ? A. That there (hall bee a Refurre&ion both of the ju(f and alto the unjull, Aîfr 24,15. The one to life the other to 1 damnation, John For Chriff is the Judge of quicke and dead, Bl`Fs 1 0,42. And therefore though it bee appointed un- 1 to men once to dye, nevectheleffe not to dye as beafts but to come to judgement, Heb.9,a7. The Angels being inftruments of gathering them, and fending them to Chrifts barre with a Trumpet, ilath.24, ;t. not a materiali Trump, but with the trumpe of God, and with a fhout, and the dead fha11 rile firff, ( r The/4,16. Then thole that are alive (hall be caught up to .meet Chriti in the ayre, verfe 17. being changed in a moment, i C.7%15,52. Bleffed and holy is bee, that bath part in the firff Refurredfion from finne unto holineffe heere, Rev.ao,6. for he (hall goe into life eternal!, but there& into everlafiing puni(h- nlent, Alath.25,46. Q. 56.