O f thé Comt»axdement.r, 19 Q. 56. what believefl thon concerning the lafl Article, namely Life everlafling ? A. J believe it is the inheritance peoper to the Saints, who, in this life are made meet to be partakers of it, Col.14 a. Which is a Kingdome, Math.a5,34 conf(1ing, Firfl in the bcatificall vilon and fight of God as hec is, 1 job.3,z. Secondly, in intire likenefle with God, P141.17,15. Thirdly, in fulneffe of joy and pleafure everlafling inChritl, Pfal.ió rr. Fourthly, in having no need of the Creature,Ray.a2,5. but inheriting all things in God, Rev.za,7. Fifthly, in freedome from all trou- bles and grievances, and imperfections of this life, verf.4. The Blefl'ed neflé of it cannot enter into the heart of man to conceive it, it is fo great, I Cor.a,9. It is fuch a holy Kingdome, that no unholy perlbn may have it, a Cer.6,9. and if bee were there, fùppofe that were poffible which is impoflible, r Corr 5, go. Yet hee could have no happineffe there, for there dwelled' nothing but Righteoufneffe, a t'et.3,13. 57. The wiekad fay they believe all this, hat die they? A. Indeed they believe the hiProry of God and his Word, lam.2.19. otherwifethey believe afaifhood or a lye, Ierem. 13.25. and therefore though they expeet to be laved on their death -beds, when they dye they ¡hall perilla , Troy. 1 r. 7. Though they cry, Lord, Lord open the gates of heaven to us, yet bee will not open it unto them .714tk.z5,1 I,r 2. God that made them will never lave them, 1/4.27.1x. and though they dye, with Lord have mercy upon me, ii their mouthes, Math.7.21. and fo goe away like Lambes, they (hall lye in the grave of Hell, as thick as Sheepe in a (beep-cote, Pfal. 49.14. Q. 58. How many Commandelvents are there ? .6. Ten, ten Words, Exod. ;4.zE. God added no more, Deut.5.22. Which are the rule of my fleps, Pfal.rz9.i33. continually, verf.117. in my memory , verfe 109. in mine underflanding verfe 1 ;0. being my meditation alwaycs verfe 97, that Jmay refraine my life from every Sin, sierfe TOI, C a Idle