Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

Of the Commandements, myre and dirt in their own faccs,by reafon ofit,ver.24.Fourthly, delight in it as a bleffed rule of life, verfe 2z. Fiftly, be moved by it to thankfulneflc to Chrift, verf z5. Sixtly, be fchooled by it to hang faller upon Chrift , Ga1.3.24. Seventhly, to take heed of the madnefle of their ílefh, that derires rather to be under the Law though neater Co cruel!, then to be under Chrift, Ga1.4.21. Q. 61. Wherefore ferves the Preface : ,3 am the Lord thy God,:rbich brought thee out of the Land of c.'Egypt, nut offor howl of bondage ? A. To teach me; Firft, that J cannot wholly obey, except J believe God is my God, jog; aA.8. and be one of thelfrne! of God, Ga1.6. r 6, Secondly, that the conlideration of what God path done for mee, is a motive to obey him, Jofh.24.31. Thirdly,tleat J am forgetful! of old mercies ; and therefore the Lord perfwades me to obedience with the newel} and lateft, Exod.zo:2. Fourthly, that the Spiritual! meaning of this deli - veranee, from Egyptian bondage, concerneth all that are deli- vered from Satan and fn, Heb.z.r 5. Q. 6z. Art the duties of the fir, Table, greater then the duoies of the fecond ? A. Yea, becaufc they are the ftrfi and the great Comtnandc- meats, Matb.z2.38, Firft, becaufe the objet} of them, which is God, is greater then man , Job 3342. Secondly , becaufe the performance of them is the immediate worfhip, of God, and bee that fins againft his neighbour, does more eminently fin againft God, r Cor.S. r z. Thirdly, they moderate the duties of the fecond ; as for example, the duty of obedience to Parents, otherwife it is not right, Fphef.6. i. And yet with there cauti- ons,ltrl3 that the companion-be equally made of the chiefe of the firft Table with the c'aiefe of the fecond ; of the middle with the middles of the leali with the leaf}, otherwife not,ffa.r . 15. Secondly, that our obediente to the tëcond; is an argument of our obedience to the firft, 1 John 4,2o. Thirdly, that the obedience to bah, is infeparable, holineffe and righteoufneffe, ever goe together, Ln.k-e:r.75. C 3 2,63. 2