$ Of the Commantement r. Q.63. what art thou commanded in the firft, Thou ¡halt have no other Gods but me? A. T. know God and believe him, lfa.43.10. and in him, z Chron ao,ao. and in no other God, Pfal.31.9. This Commandement bids me keepe all the ref+, Deut.51,22. Not onely to obey him, in what bee commanded at the firft, but any Commandement he would afterwards give, Heb.i 1,17. And therefore this Commandement binds me now to believe in Jelus Chrifl, 1 Job.3.z3. to relye upon God for all thing,, z Chron.16,8. Couragioufly to wait upon God, 44.27,14. To walke before God, as a fervant before his Mailer, Gen.17. 1.. In all my wayes to think of God, and to acknowledge hint, Prov.3.6. To be merry in him evermore, Phi1.4.4. to feare him and to ferve.hitn, Veut.6,13.. To turne the defires of my Soule to him, and to the remembrance of hitn, lfa.z6,8. To labour more after him, then after meat or drinke, or any thing in thisperifhing world,,John.6.z7. To make him the end and fcope of all mine anions, not onely Spirituali, but al- to civil!, and natural!, t Cor.1o.31. Qu. 64. Now becaufe we muff f erne God, and feare hint, and love hire, and traft in him, and fo forth, according to hie Attributes, which be they ? A. Hee is uncompounded, fimple, and perfeelly one, Deut. 6.4. Immutable and unvariable, Janra.17. and therefore bee cannotbé laid to Repent, 1 Soo.' 5.29. but onely improperly in regard of the effects, Gen.6.6. Infinite in greatneffe, the heaven of heavens is not able to .contaúre him, r Kings 8,27. being every where prefènt, Pfal.t39.7. Infinite in eternity, from everlafling to everlatling, Pfal.go.z. Not by fucceffion of time but hee is for ever, J am, Exed.3.1 4. Infinite in Power, for bee is Almighty,Gen.17.i. Nothing is unpoflible to him, Like 1.27. unlefl'e it be to doe evil!, that is,. a weakneffe and no power.; and therefore unpoflible to him, Heb.6.18. Infinit in knowledge, he knoweth all things, Joh.z1.7. Not by dif courfe one after another, but all together, Pfal.139.4. moll free in his Will, he loth vvhatfoever he will, Pf41.115.3. His will