Of the Commander/tents. will being the caufe of all things, Ephefr,ir, Gracious, abundant in goodneffe, Mercy, in patience and Truth, exod. 34.6. and Jullice, verfe7, and Holineffe, z Pet,54 6. of terrible Majeffy, job 3 7.22. moll happie and bleffed for ever, Rom.r 1.36. and lá forth ? Q 65. How doe the attributes of God concern thine obedi- ence to God, efpecial y in this firff Commandement ? A. Firfl, God is fimple as a Spirit; therefore hee muff be ferved in. (pint and truth, John 4.241 and J mink doe every thing with fimplicity, '2 Cor. 1,1 2. Secondly, God is un- alterable ; therefore J muff truff in his Covenant, Pfal.89.34, neither change nor meddle with them that doe, but bee- confiant in his feare, Prov.a4.az. Yet J muff repent, and fo change my life - for God allo repenteth of the evill, Jeel.a,r 3. Thirdly, if God fill heaven and earth, J muff be confcious that wherefoever J am; God is,lereni.z3,a4, Fourthly, if God be eternal!, then hee is the Eternall life that J muff feeke, r loh.5,2o. and count him my continuali refuge, Vert 33.27, Fiftly, if God be Al- mighty, then J mull not !land out ágainff his. chaflenings, lob 5,1.7.. but fèare him, lob 6,14. and humble my felfe betime before him, lob 8,5. and returne to him, for there is no efcap, ing out of his hand, lob 22, 23. Sixtly, if God know all things, then J muff be confcious, that lice feet!) my thoughts, Math.9, 4. and all my Secrets, Math.6,z g. And fo of the ref+. 66, What art thou commanded in the fecund Coutmande- ment ? A. Not to ferve God with will-wort-hip, though it feeme never fo wife and humble, and mortifying, Colof.a,23. To ab- horre all.groffe thoughts of God,,AR{s r7.29. as that he is luch a one, as mens (elves do think him to be, ?'rat io.zr. Not to make any Image, Deut,5.8'. unleffe God fhoul'd revealea new Commandement, as once he did for Cherubims in the fan &ua - ry, Exod, 2501. and- the brazen Serpent in the wildernefle, 11Fumb:zl,8, or unlefl'e it be in a civillüfè,Math.zz.ro. To abhorre images of Idol aters,eyther to worlhip God before them, 2 Chron.2,5,14., or in them, as the Jewes did God in Baal, H'of 2.16. s;