24 1 Of the Commandements. 2.16. or to bee pit in mind of God by them, verf. 17. or r being at Mafiè or communion of Service with them, a Cor.to, zt. or houftng thena,2 Joh.so. or bidding them God fpecd,ver. as . or learning any of their devilès or cultomes of them, Dent. 12,30. or familiar reading their Bookes, 4Ets s9,í9. Unicf {e it be to confute them by their owne writers1, :4 is 17,5.8. and to upbraid carnali Profeflors with their fíriOnefe in their kind, Pam. a.s4,s ç,s6,s7, &c. 0.67. What elfe art tbau commanded in the feéand Com- mandemcìr ? A. 'Not to leane to mine owne knowledge, Pray.3,5. nor to ferve God by the precepts of Men, Efa.t9,t 3. nor as men bid me, .Msrl,,7,6. Nor according to the Traditions and eu. ()comes of the lives of our Fore - fathers, z Pet. t,t 8. Jam cotn- manr'.ed to do, not onely in matter what, but a11ó in manner, as the Lord eemmandeth,Gen.6, 22. Por otherwife my prayers and fervices that J do unto God, and all my facrnfices and oblations are no better then murder, or a Dogs neck, or Swines blond, or Idolatry ; fo indeed it is, if J ferve him after my owne w'yes, I fa.,.6.3. not only !licks and í'ones are Idols, Levit.26,1. but carnal( fancies, imaginations, dulnele, deadneffe, luke -warm neffe ; for there be idols in the heart, Ezec.14.3 4. Covetouf- nes is Idolatry, Col. ;. ç. Stubbornnes is.as idolatry, s Sam.s 5, z3. A carelefs t- hrnfkian is an Idol, there is an idoli Profèífor, an idoli Chrifiisn an idoli Shcpheard, Zacb. t I ,17. ,. 68. What art thou commanded in the third Commande- ment ? A. To glotiñe the name of God, Pev.15,5. that is his Ti- tles and attributes, Exed. ;4, ç. his Law, Deut.32,3. his Ordi- nances. as Prayer: and hearing of his Word and the like, Vent. z .z,5. his Gofpcll, 4fb 9 11. The profeffion ofChrift, Math. zo,za His cenfures , as Excommunication , and delivering men up unto Satan, s Cor. ç,4. His Sacraments, Matb.28,19 Alibisworfhip, Mal.s,s:r. his Meditation, Pfal.to4.4- and that not onely in tongue or lips. Pleb.' 3,s 5. but alto in heart, Pfal.86,t s. and in every a &ion, Prov.3o,9. If any man er woman