O f the Commandements, woman doe nor their duty ; as for example, Servants or any o- thers, they caufe Gods name to be blafphemed,I Tim.6,1. So a11ò if any man breake the Law ofGod, lice is guilty of other mens hlafpheming Gods name, Rom.z,24. Likewife if a Bro- ther or Sifter walketh fcandaloufly, they prophane Gods name, Ez,ec.36,zo. Q. 63. What more art thou commanded in the third Cam,. mandement ? . A. To feare God and fweare by his name; Deut,6;13. with a Soul - bowing oath, lfa.4S,23, which is a wholly con- felling of God,Rom.14, 11. and an oath ofGovenant, /ft. 19, 18. and in fome folemne cafes with a renewed oath, Deut. i o, zo. Either given by others, and fo willingly taken, z Cbron. t S. 14. or freely of ones fèlte, f'fal.r r9,ro6. ifneed require by Oath before the Magri#rate; but then it mull bee in Truth, and righteoufneffe, and judgement, ler.4,a. and ifneceflity of weight bee in private agreements, Gen.26.3 1. As for perfor- mance of ones laft Will and Teftament, Gen.47,3I. or tocleare ones Idle, and graciouffy to fàtisfe a Brother, I Sam.zo,3 yea now under the Golpell too, Ifa.65,16. And in fome cafes, a Minifter may fweare in the Pulpit, to make the People believe z Cor. I, 13. and in more private threatnings from God I Kings I7,1. Q. 76. What art thou forbidden in the third Commande- ment ? A. J am forbidden in common talke Swearing, MMlat. 5,34, S. left J fall into damnation, lam S,r , . and bring all the Curies, in Gods booke on my houfè, Zach 5,2,3. and caufe -the very Land to mourne, Jerem.z 3,io. it was the brand of a Saulto bee a common Swearer, I Sam.r4,z4,39,44. i Sam. 59,6,r. and z8,Io. And that whether it be in broken Oathes, as God, and the Lord liver), Jere/n.5,3. Or in Idolatrous oathes, for they are a double antic ; as by this Light or by Baal, Jer.12,16. Or any other hideous oathes, as by the Pallian of Chrift, or by the Lord himfèlfe, or by kfilchoy,L, Zepb.a,s. The prophane ufe of Swearing is a bloudy Gnne, Swearing, Lying,