Fenner - Houston-Packer Collection BX5037 .F46 1651

26 j Of the Commßudenaents, i Lying and Killing are put together; for which the Lord bath a controvetfie with Men, Hof.4,2. Nay, if a man beare an Oath, and doe not utter a reproofe, he is guilty of the finne, Levit.5,1. and if for.every idle word, a man 4ía11 give accompt before God at the laft.day, what then (hall he do for his Oathes, Maths 2,36. Swearing is a curling of ones felfe, Math.26, 74, but chiefly Jam forbidden all falle Swearing, Levit.19. 2, for that puts Chria fwiftly againli one, Ma1.3,5 71. What art thou forbidden more in the third Com- mandcment ? A. Fiat, all taking Gods name in vaine, as O God, O Lord, Dent.5,2 1. Secondly, the formal! repeating thefe words, The Lord be with thee, or the like, r Sam.r7-,37. JchankeGod J'. doe to and fo, Luke 18,1 r. Thirdly, vainerepetitions, as Lord have mercy upon us, Chrifl have mercy upon us, Lord have mercy upon us ; as Papifis and babling Battuies ufe them, Math 6,7. Yet repetitions that proceed out of a broken zea- lous heart bee holy, Dan 9,18,19. Fourthly, the abufe of Lots, for their dilpeing is of God, Prev.16, 3 3. and were Sacredly ufed. Fill}, for the deciding of Controverfies, Prov.t 8,18. Se- condly, for Ele&ions, r Sam.1o,2r . Thirdly, for dividing of Portions,. Numb.a6,55. Fourthly, the finding out of an for they were joyned with Prayer, Af'Es 24,26. refling on Gods determination , Jofh.14,z. being a Divine thing by the light of nature, Jonah 1,6,7. and appea- lings to God,r Sam.' 4,41 and therefore not to be uféd to wic- kedneffe, Math. 27, ;5. as South - laying, Efl'er 3,7. or Cove- tou fneflc, or any evil! pra&ices, Prev. s,14. What art thou commanded in the fourth Commode- mete, concerning the Sabbath ? A. To kcepe it, to fan6iifie it, andfo as the Lord hath commanded,Dent 5,r z. not to hide mine eyes from it, Exec. 2 2 2 6 . not to turne my foot from it to delight in it, to count it honourable, to honour God in it, not feeking mine own plea - fure, not doing naine owne Workes, nor fpeaking mine owne. words, Ifa.S 8,r 3. To regard it in mine owne dwelling houle, and